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After many, many frowns from the wife with my various DE purchases .

She just asked me to find for her a razor for just her. :001_tt1: She used my 1965 Gillette Flare Tip Super Speed with an Astra SP and fell in love. I had to teach her to shave with the grain first and she was amazed that it was so much easier on 2nd pass once she reduced the bulk of the hair. I am looking for a Lady Gillette I guess as searching the forum shows that it is the most commonly used DE for ladies (unless I missed something).

Now, what are some of the better scents for women for shave creams?
Kiss My Face has some great scents that I as a guy like but have noticed some (I've not tried yet) that might be "good for a guy but froo froo enough for a lady".
Is she planning on using a brush to lather or go brushless? The Kiss My Face creams can be used brushless, and LOTH really likes the cool mint.

Brush: T&H Grafton has a floral scent that smelled fantastic but was slightly too feminine for me. It is one of their top selling scents. Rose or coconut creams would work pretty well too. Come to think of it, I would say any scent would work well except for some of the traditional sandalwood/cedar/barbershop scents. HMMV
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Also check out the Parker tto razors on west coast shaving, in size and style they're identical to the lady Gillette
Kiss My Face has some great scents that I as a guy like but have noticed some (I've not tried yet) that might be "good for a guy but froo froo enough for a lady".

+1 Kiss My Face has some very nice scent for ladies. Congratulations!
Nice work on getting your wife involved. Now you can buy/try all of the floral scents which you were unsure about before!
Haha very nice. I was able to get my Gf to try out my DE, but she wasnt excited enough to try again. The process is a bit time consuming for her, but I'm still trying to convince her to be able to relax and enjoy the process.
Now, what are some of the better scents for women for shave creams?

Well, why don't you just ask her? She's a woman after all, and I would assume that YMMV applies to them as much as it does to us men. Show her some product ranges with good scent descriptions (KMF, TOBS and Trumper comes to mind) and see what she thinks.

Also, if you can't find a Lady Gillette, Merkur 23C (also known as Merkur 180) has a long handle, and is also appreciated by women.
Don't worry about getting a Lady Gillette. Any razor will do, but any long handled razor would be better.

As for soaps and creams, let her choose from your stash or from any online vendor. She's a big girl and can choose scents on her own.
Aubrey makes a brushless cream for women, in raspberry, orage and almond.
I have used the almond and it smells great. Gave a nice shave, too.


Now half as wise
LOML stole my EJ Barley, Omega Pro brush and TOBS Lavender and hasn't looked back. Tried TOBS Rose but prefers the Lavender.
I think the my LOTH is planning a small take-over. I gave her legs a STR8 shave two nights ago after a honeing session. (Sorry no pics of my ladies legs. You know who you are.) I actually think that if she doesn't form a takover that I will have a new addition to the honey do list.

This is one thing that I won't complain about!
Mama Bear has a Chanel type and a White Shoulders type if SWMBO likes those. Several florals she may like as well.
I think that the Klar soap is the best in my den (and royalshave has it without the tin for a much more reasonable $18)
Mama Bear's has a great range of scents, I'm sure she'd find something she likes there. I love the cocoa one.
As many folks have already said, KMF is also awesome. It's my in-a-hurry go-to.

I started out with a Lord L6, then replaced the handle with a parker, then switched to a Weber. I thought both razors suited me better than the Lady Gillette. ymmv, obviously.
My GF likes to shave with TOBS Almond. There are many alternatives from Italy with almond scent I've read, so it may not be the best almond out there.
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