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African american shaving

My wife and i adopted 3 african american children... 2 boys 1 princess... Ya can tell daddy's girl is running the show!
My boys are 13 and 10.... The oldest has hair above the lip and beginning to grow on the cheeks. He has expressed wanting to shave it!

I need advice...i know their skin is different than mine and shaving might be tricky! Anyone that can give me a list of must or nlmust nots would be greatly appreciated!
While I am no expert on this, I would say to just let him go for it with no special care needed. If he does find that ingrowns are an issue after the first shave, the topic could be re-addressed. At this point (in my mind) there is nothing to be wary of because an expectation has not been set for him specifically.

Good luck!
Above the lip will be no problem,but under the chin,in the neck area may give him trouble....Sub-Saharan African hair grows in spirals ,rather than straight,to wick away heat.Cutting it too short,or improperly , causes ingrown hairs,sometimes severe and painful,and to a handsome guy,ugly !!...Good prep is essential,you must wilt the hair first,hot towel as a last stage in prep is essential.If bumps do appear,go to any shop that specializes in African American hair products and buy some bump eliminating cream,there are many brands to choose from.Tea tree is excellent as an aftershave,and can be rinsed off with cool water after 15 minutes on the skin,and the an application of witch hazel is nice ,and the scent will fade rapidly...good luck ,and our thanks to you for giving love and shelter to children who need it.
http://badgerandblade.com/vb/member.php/54753-CoachmnowakCoachmnowak --

You'll find that the skin really isn't different, but that whisker follicles may become 'ingrown'. Not to worry though, over the years there have been a number of A-A men here at B&B, whom I'm sure will provide tips and guidance to your son. From time to time, there are A-A men that show up here with really serious shaving issues, and almost all of them get 'over the hump'.

How about having the young man read through some of the stickies in the "Shave Clinic & Newbie Check-in" forum, and perhaps participate here?

BTW, I think he'll like a proper wet-shave.

-- John Gehman
You might pick up a copy of "Gourmet Shaving" for the both of you. Fun read, and it covers A-A shaving pretty well. I'm sure some of our African American members will respond, too.
I would advise your son to shave only with the grain until he develops his technique, and then he can experiment to determine what works best for him. That is how I taught my sons (white) to shave, and they both are doing fine.
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Your description of your adopted children may be leading people to have a stereotypical preconceived notion about their race.
I once had a brilliant supervisor who was a native of Uganda. He is pure 100% African. Since he came to the US, I'd guess you'd call him African American. However, he's lilly white of European decent, who's parents I would guess were missionaries...
I would advise your son to shave only with the grain until he develops his technique, and then he can experiment to determine what works best for him.

+1 I think until he's in his later teens, the beard should be light enough for a simple one pass. Also, a very mild non-comedogenic moisturizer like raw (minimally processed) shea butter might help with any skin problems he might have.
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A lot of blacks that I know use clippers and shaving oil to shave because their hair is so coarse and sensitive.

Black men have used razors to shave before all these inventions came out, so maybe you can start by giving him a mild razor. Let him do one pass with either a Tech, Super Speed, EJ DE89, or any other mild razor. It would be good to start him out on good shaving habits young, so that it becomes muscle memory for him when he gets older.

Prep and post shave care are the most crucial things. Get him a good face wash, face scrub, and something for post shave. Maybe he should use an aftershave splash or a non greasy balm.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I would advise your son to shave only with the grain until he develops his technique, and then he can experiment to determine what works best for him. That is how I taught my sons (white) to shave, and they both are doing fine.
...I'm with everyone here. Mild razor. WTG only. That's how I taught (using the 'step-by-step & talk-though' method of instruction), my boys in the art of DE shaving (without much success [although they both love to face lather...so at least I did teach them something]).

"A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others". Author Unknown

I guess life is just too fast for them [being cartridge men that they are..."No time Dad"]), but in all it was such fun and bonding to teach
my boys.

I have fond thoughts of times past and to have been able to have had such 'quality time' with my two (2) boys and two (2) grandsons (even though my boys always seem to 'cabbage' some article from my shave den). :lol1:

Oh before I forget, don't forget to add in a good brush, shave soap and mug!

"A good lather is half the shave". William Hone
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Do subtle testing where as some may feel stubble ingrown issues. In that case you may need special procedures given by Dermatologist. [ my friend uses a special powder to shave]
The only difference between their skin and yours is pigmentation . The grade of hair is a different story . Some people have fine hair , others course , no matter their skin color . Your son will have to experiment just like all of us have to find out what is best for him and build on it .

My wife and i adopted 3 african american children... 2 boys 1 princess... Ya can tell daddy's girl is running the show!
My boys are 13 and 10.... The oldest has hair above the lip and beginning to grow on the cheeks. He has expressed wanting to shave it!

I need advice...i know their skin is different than mine and shaving might be tricky! Anyone that can give me a list of must or nlmust nots would be greatly appreciated!
Teach him the art of a 4 pass shave , good pre shave prep , use a mild razor like a Superspeed , Korona or a Tech , some of the popular blades like Astra or the Gillettes . A soap that provodes cushion and glide since he is new to the game . Post shave , an alcohol based aftershave to prevent bumps which are really an infection , and a conditioner like Nivea that won't clog his pores .
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