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AE vs Church Shoe Sizes

I have a pair of Allen-Edmonds Park Avenues that I really like, but am interested in picking up a pair of Oxfords by Church as well. I realize it's best to try shoes on, but assuming I wear 10E Park Avenues--what would my size likely be in the Church's?

Thanks in advance for any help!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
English shoe sizes tend to be off by about 0.5 to 1.0 shoe size compared to North American sizing. So a 10 in Alden or AE would be a 9 or a 9.5 in English shoes. One of the complicating factors is that a maker will use different lasts for different models of shoes, and some lasts fit 'bigger' or 'smaller' than others.

(So for example comparing Alden's last 'x' to Church's last 'a' you would say Alden 10 = Church 9 for fit, but comparing Alden's last 'y' to Church's last 'b' you would say Alden 10 = Church 9.5.)


So ideally you need to know what last your Alden model is on, then find out what last the Church's shoe you want is on, and then see if you can find someone online who owns both and can tell you how they match up.
I wear a 10D in AE, and 9.5E in Church's. I'm not sure of the model for the Church's -- a classic cap toe, maybe the Consul, from their custom line. They fit very well, similar to Strands, on the 5 last, and my Winhalls on the 8 last.
I have a pair of Allen-Edmonds Park Avenues that I really like, but am interested in picking up a pair of Oxfords by Church as well. I realize it's best to try shoes on, but assuming I wear 10E Park Avenues--what would my size likely be in the Church's?

Thanks in advance for any help!

I have fairly recent AE Park Avenues (black lining in sole) in 10E. I have custom grade Church's wing tip, one in burgundy bookbinders and one in black calf, that are fairly old--maybe 15 years--in what looks like "10.0 E." I have another pair of Church even older tha seems to be "10.0 D"--very hard to read the handwriting. I also have four pairs of very recent AEs in 10D--two pairs of Drydens, a pair in Lansdale (sp?), and one other blucher-type.

All fit fine. It may be that 10E is a truer size for me in the AEs than the 10D.

The Church's were professionally fitted at Chruch's Washington, DC store, and still seem to fit great.

Going by what I have the AE sizes and the Chruch sizes are running close to exactly the same.
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