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Advice sought: 1/4 vs. Full Hollow grind technique

Good Morning All,

First some introduction:
I am fairly new to the Straight Razor process, but an avid learner.
I started my wetshaving experience with a SS and Red Tip DE's and moved to straights after a few weeks.

I have been shaving with my first straight, a Boker King Cutter, for about a 6 weeks. I am very happy with it and have been getting outstanding results for the last 4 weeks.

After reading on the forums, and seeing recomendations to try different razors, I acquired a Wapienica razor from a forum member to try a 1/4 grind to compare to my Boker.

Here is my issue:
The Wapi shaves great and is very comfortable, but I cannot get as close a shave as with the Boker. Is it my technique that is lacking? Is there a difference in technique between a full hollow and 1/4? :confused1

I have had 3 shaves with the Wapi and after my usual WTG/XTG/ATG, I can still feel slight stubble. The same process with the Boker will result in a (nearly) BBS. I don't have particularly sensitive skin and fairly dense growing, but fine, facial hair.

Any thoughts?
I believe that the Wapi is as sharp or sharper than the Boker.
It mows down hair without any drag and feels great, simply not as closely as my full hollow.

Maybe my face was made for full hollows? If so, I'll let another B&B member try out the Wapi.

Thanks to everyone on the forum BTW!
I have never seen so much enthusiasm and camaraderie for new folks as here.:thumbup:
I've never used a Wapi but I've heard mixed reviews on them.

I don't think it's the grind that is causing you to have an inferior shave, which means it's either a) sharpness b) steel quality or c) technique.

And since you already get good shaves with your Boker, the conclusion I draw is that the blade isn't sharp enough. Enough people do get good shaves from Wapis to call the quality of the steel into question.

I don't use any different technique for full vs. quarter hollows and the shaves are good all around.
I really enjoy Wapis and doubt it is the grind that is making difference. May need touch up or honing.

One down side I've noticed in Wapis is the blade water stains quicker if not kept dry. No real issue since it comes off easy.
You can get a good shave with any size or grind razor, so it's not the Wapi. (might be a sharpness issue though - give it a few laps on a finisher w/ water and try again)

My guess is just that you've gotten so used to shaving with your full hollow.

I would give you some pointers, but I sold all my heavier grinds over a year ago in exchange for my 3 full hollows, and have kind of forgotten the feeling of shaving with a 1/4 hollow... I don't miss 'em though - just love shaving with a full hollow!
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