Grandson age 2 occupies himself quite adequately with uploaded Yo Gaba Gaba YouTube videos – has gotten to the point where his finely tuned youthful memory allows him to now navigate some of the correct icons to pull up & run YoGG on his own – is there an educational component here ?wouldn’t an age appropriate puzzle be a better way to bond with the lad & at the same time stretch the brain ? what say you all ?
Should a child age 8 first demonstrate a certain level of maturity and responsibility before getting his/her own Ipad ? your comments please.
Last Summer our two oldest grandchildren spent a week with us – TV wasn’t allowed and we didn’t strap a DVD player to the ceiling of our SUV when out & about – while on the road for an overnight trip to the RI shore we went through the alphabet and asked each one to come up with words for each letter – there were other activities also but you get the idea - they survived and we're all still on speaking terms
Should a child age 8 first demonstrate a certain level of maturity and responsibility before getting his/her own Ipad ? your comments please.
Last Summer our two oldest grandchildren spent a week with us – TV wasn’t allowed and we didn’t strap a DVD player to the ceiling of our SUV when out & about – while on the road for an overnight trip to the RI shore we went through the alphabet and asked each one to come up with words for each letter – there were other activities also but you get the idea - they survived and we're all still on speaking terms

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