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Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I have missed being on this board for several months because of an injury to my son. In Nov. 2012, my son was in an automobile accident and suffered a C2 and a T12 spinal cord injury. My wife and I have devoted 100% of our effort to his rehabilitation since then and I am home for the first weekend in three months. I will spare you the gory details of his accident, but he was initially told that he would never walk again, with or without help. Miraculously he is able to walk about 250 feet with a walker and only ankle braces. I attribute that to prayer, therapy, and a dedication like I have never seen before.

I have two purposes for posting this thread. The first is to ask for your prayers for his complete healing. His first name is Micah. The second is to mention that, because of the intensity of his therapy schedule, I haven't been able to shave as often as I used to, but with the wet shaving products that I have been using, I can easily go two days and sometimes three without shaving. Thanks B&B.

Thanks for your prayers and support.
Micah's recovery has been remarkable and I hope he continues to improve at the same amazing pace. I firmly believe that time and advances in medicine and rehabilitation science will be on your side. Most of all, your obvious love and dedication to your son will see you through. Please remember to make time along the way to take of yourself and your wife, too. You both need and deserve it -- and Micah needs that, too.
Micah will be in my thoughts. It sounds as though he is very strong willed--as are his parents.

Thanks for checking in and I hope we get the occasional positive progress report. Also glad you are enjoying your shaves even though you don't get to them as often as you'd like.
My thoughts & prayers go out to Micah as well as you & your wife. Thanks for sharing your story & thoughts with us. Best wishes for a fast complete recovery. Enjoy your shaves!
Wow, it is definitely the most difficult of situations to see our children in pain. I am glad to hear that Micah is recovering beyond what the doctors expected, I am sure God has played a major role there as well as yourself, your wife, and Micah. Your family will be in my prayers, sounds like you are doing a mighty fine job as the head of your household.
I'm glad to hear he is overcoming the difficulties he was told he would have :) You are all in my thoughts!
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