I am a car guy and I enjoy motorsport and working on cars however I am not a pro and I do not do it as a career. I have a 1994 Ford Escort with a 1.9L engine and auto tranny in it. The engine and auto tranny have 170000 miles on them. The car does not leak nor smoke, nor use any fluids. It does have a slight upper end knock on the valvetrain due to age. My goal is to make the car last as long as I can. I do not know the cars history before I got it. I change my oil every 3 months or 3K miles which ever comes first.
I am thinking about running an additive in it such as STP or Lucas oil treatment in it. I was also thinking about the Lucas transmission additive (Transmission Fix). What are your experiences with these products? The Lucas items say on both bottles and website that you can add them to a transmission in a small dose. Could you add STP to an auto tranny as well? The tranny holds 6 quarts of fluid. The engine holds 4 quarts of oil with filter. Thanks for the input. I am not trying to cure a problem, simply want to extend the life of the car so we can save for a newer car.
I am thinking about running an additive in it such as STP or Lucas oil treatment in it. I was also thinking about the Lucas transmission additive (Transmission Fix). What are your experiences with these products? The Lucas items say on both bottles and website that you can add them to a transmission in a small dose. Could you add STP to an auto tranny as well? The tranny holds 6 quarts of fluid. The engine holds 4 quarts of oil with filter. Thanks for the input. I am not trying to cure a problem, simply want to extend the life of the car so we can save for a newer car.