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A question about that "other" forum

I recently joined the "other" forum in conjunction to get more technical feedback as to the process involved of making your own straight razor from scratch. I also posed questions about belt grinders to get feedback from people with experience. Also, I inquired about different honing stones, specifically about high-grit natural stones.

Some people treated me very well, but some so-called "moderators" had the audacity to say such things as "I can create a better blade on my homemade ryobi grinder than you ever will with a Bader grinder. I responded to this politely, however I alluded to the fact that I wasn't aware that this was a "pissing contest".

When inquiring about stones, I said if anybody had some particular stones I was looking for, and would be willing to sell them to contact me. I was reprimanded by someone in a very condescending manner that I couldn't do that on that particular forum. I responded by asking what his authority was in speaking to me in such a manner.

I also pointed out the contradiction that the site also owns another site where they actually sell the items that they are critiquing, and how this may be a conflict of interest. Though I also alluded to the fact that it is a good idea to offer a centrally located retail area to purchase hard to find items. But if they can do that, why is me asking to buy stones on the forum such a travesty?!?!?

To make a very long story short, the "mods" need to "meet" to determine my eligibility to remain as a member. This is vexing and ponderous to me because I thought the underlying intent of these forums was to propagate a traditional art form that is dying out in certain respects, and de-evolving. What gives the rite to these so called "moderators" to be so pompous and obtuse as to say that my opinion or question is inappropriate? By nature and definition, a forum is a place to express any and all ideas; even if someone is abrasive or overtly opinionated, they should still be afforded the opportunity to say whats on their mind.

I'm flustered, and very disappointed with my fellow enthusiasts!!!!!
I don't stay very long on forums that shut members up and disrespect them without them first doing something wrong.
I'm not pointing fingers at any specific one.
If a forum and its rules doesn't work for you, no matter how stupid they may seem, go elsewhere. There are too many good resources on the web to fight to stay on a bad one.
Like many of the forums I frequent, B&B is a community of individuals that I feel I fit into - and I'm sure that members of that "other site" feels the same way, too with their rules and regulations. Like it or not, forums are only as open (or closed) as the admins and mods want them to be. As online forums aren't open public forums, so-called 'free speech' arguments don't really apply and boils down to "It is their site, their rules".
boils down to "It is their site, their rules".

Most certainly! It is the culture of that site and you either enjoy it or you don't. While not for me, I do know a few guys that will only go there because it fits them best. It is one of those YMMV type of things.
not sure which site you are referring to, but i will say that B&B members seem truly committed to gentlemanly behavior and respect. never seen a forum on any topic that has been as welcoming, helpful and classy as this.
This is the one and only traditional wet shaving forum on the web worth spending any time on. Most other forums are run by admins/mods that were once members here...and because of their fantastic personality and ability to get along with others, they got banned.

Why settle for balony when you can have steak?
I'm part of the group that doesn't know what other forum you're talking about, but then again I'm rather new despite lurking for so long.

I find pretty much all the info I need here on B&B and the community is superb. Any information I haven't been able to find, I typically locate with a quick google search. While it might be interesting to check out other forums to see different opinions, it's not worth starting over in a new location and risking a ban for asking beginner or newbie questions. I'll stick where i'm wanted and comfortable, not to mention happy.
Ohhhh....beware, there are a few topics that are taboo on here. Theres a few to watch it for, but the vast majority of mods stewards are good cats on this board IMO. Free speech carries with u anywhere, your rights don't just disappear cause somebody makes a rule on a forum. Lol
What? There are other shaving forums out there??? Never heard of such a thing.

Seriously, this one is about as good as you can find.
Free speech carries with u anywhere, your rights don't just disappear cause somebody makes a rule on a forum. Lol

yes, you have the right to say what you want when you want - but as this is a private venue, I do believe the mods have the right to censor you, remove your post, and ban you from the forum if it doesn't fall in line with the wills, wishes, and rules of said forum. They can't prevent you from saying what you will, but they can ensure that no one else sees it.

but as a gentlemanly place, such actions, I hope, are far few and in-between. B&B is awesomely awesome.
The straight razor section here has a great community where several of the guys do exactly that kind of thing. They are quite friendly and I am sure they would be happy to answer any ??? you might have. :biggrin1:
I am on a gun enthusiasts forum and B&B is a breath of fresh air! The mods on the gun forum let almost everything go (so as not to interfere with someone's rights), and it is just an awful place to visit.
Moderators that shut down offensive respondents keep things nice for the rest. Not a jab at anyone here, just an observation.
It is refreshing to participate in a forum where we behave like gentllemen, and can ask questions and give opinions without things getting ugly.
I recently joined the "other" forum in conjunction to get more technical feedback as to the process involved of making your own straight razor from scratch. I also posed questions about belt grinders to get feedback from people with experience. Also, I inquired about different honing stones, specifically about high-grit natural stones.

Some people treated me very well, but some so-called "moderators" had the audacity to say such things as "I can create a better blade on my homemade ryobi grinder than you ever will with a Bader grinder. I responded to this politely, however I alluded to the fact that I wasn't aware that this was a "pissing contest".

When inquiring about stones, I said if anybody had some particular stones I was looking for, and would be willing to sell them to contact me. I was reprimanded by someone in a very condescending manner that I couldn't do that on that particular forum. I responded by asking what his authority was in speaking to me in such a manner.

I also pointed out the contradiction that the site also owns another site where they actually sell the items that they are critiquing, and how this may be a conflict of interest. Though I also alluded to the fact that it is a good idea to offer a centrally located retail area to purchase hard to find items. But if they can do that, why is me asking to buy stones on the forum such a travesty?!?!?

To make a very long story short, the "mods" need to "meet" to determine my eligibility to remain as a member. This is vexing and ponderous to me because I thought the underlying intent of these forums was to propagate a traditional art form that is dying out in certain respects, and de-evolving. What gives the rite to these so called "moderators" to be so pompous and obtuse as to say that my opinion or question is inappropriate? By nature and definition, a forum is a place to express any and all ideas; even if someone is abrasive or overtly opinionated, they should still be afforded the opportunity to say whats on their mind.

I'm flustered, and very disappointed with my fellow enthusiasts!!!!!

There are jerks everywhere in the world, friend, even among traditional wet shaving enthusiasts. :001_smile Don't take it too hard. Just avoid dealing with such people, and, as needed, avoid the internet forums they start to gratify their frail egos and irritating personalities.

You can bet that the vast majority of B&B members, and I'd say every last one of the mods here, would not stand for such chest-thumping. Enjoy the urbane and erudite atmosphere that we foster herein. :biggrin1:
I used to spend a great deal of time there, as I started wet shaving with straights then went to DEs. I now find I spend more time here than I used to there and enjoy my time here greatly. I still go there, although infrequently, as I find all the information I need here. There were a few members there whose opinions I valued, but my and large I spend my time here. I won't tell you not to ge there, but if you are more comfortable here, spend your time here.
Urbane & erudite, yeah, that's why I joined. ;) B&B is definitely friendly and helpful. Most of my questions have already been asked and answered. I do a lot more reading than typing. I started as a skeptic, but now enjoy what's shared here.
Ohhhh....beware, there are a few topics that are taboo on here. Theres a few to watch it for, but the vast majority of mods stewards are good cats on this board IMO. Free speech carries with u anywhere, your rights don't just disappear cause somebody makes a rule on a forum. Lol

Free speech rights appliy to the government censoring private citizens, not to you coming onto a privately run board where you agreed to the TOU before joining.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Gentlemen, this site has a vision of such scope that it may take you years to discover all of the treasures contained herein. We are far more than just a shaving site, but although we have many goals, this will never be among them- to be a venue to bash other sites.

Whatever problems you may have had elsewhere, let them fade into obscurity. Try to concentrate on what we have to offer and forget about any bad experiences you may have had on sites with which we have no affiliation.
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