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A pic we are laughing over.

This is the limited edition bottling, sold only in New Jersey.

Hey, I'm originally from New Jersey... and that stuff is not nearly tacky enough to be marketed successfully in the Garden State -- especially in the mid-third portion of the state.

Makes me laugh every time I see it.
Hey, I'm originally from New Jersey... and that stuff is not nearly tacky enough to be marketed successfully in the Garden State -- especially in the mid-third portion of the state.

I got paid to house sit for the brother of a friend for two weeks in north Jersey about 15 years ago. I couldn't wait to get away from there. I was on the verge of yanking someone out of their car and curb stomping them. I never saw people use their car horns so much and drive like utter crap. The traffic circles and jug handles must damage their brains or something.
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