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A Personal Problem


You know, when I first found the B&B forum I was really excited to see that there is a global network of like-minded individuals who are interested in something that I thought I would never find any information on. How wrong I was.

That being said, I now hesitate to post my (n00b) experiences as I have seen from other long-time members that the endless list of newbie topics that get posted again and again is somewhat irritating to the general membership and I would rather save myself the embarrassment of posting my first-time experiences and simply lurk, leeching all the good information and tips.

I hate to lurk. I feel that if I am a member of a community I should be active but this vibe I'm getting tells me otherwise. Don't misunderstand me - this is one of the most civil and friendly groups I have come across in a forum! I just don't want the established membership to roll their eyes when I post about my first cold-water shave.

What are your thoughts?
Posting about cold water shaving is fine.

Just don't post an opinion on Williams soap or Lilac Vegetal, and you'll be OK.
Post it all! If it isn't you it will be another noob and you don't want that on your conscience. I found that I would share experiences and ask questions at the same time. If the veterans didn't care they wouldn't answer a post. It's all good and most times they will provide a link to the old thread, but if you ask specific questions, you could end up answering many member's questions.
The number of long term posters who are dismayed by noob questions is dwarfed by the number of long term posters who are here to offer advice to any and all.
Don't fret the Debbie Downers. I've seen maybe 5 posts by them in the last year and thousands of helpful posts. This is one of the few places where it is actively encouraged to ask the questions and not be met by "Use the #@!@# search, noob" answers.
Ask away. Chances are you'll be doing some other new member a favor by asking, or you will give some other older member a chance to show off (and then add a YMMV disclaimer). Either way, we all benefit.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Please post and do not worry. If you ever have an issue, please PM me, I am more than happy to help you. If you saw some irritating posts, please let me know. It might be nothing as, do not forget that this is a text that you are reading. You do not have any emotions (and without the use of an icon to state your feelings) it can be perceived very differently. :001_smile
We don't mind repeat thread topics or "silly" questions. That's what we do here. All are welcome and all are encouraged to post. Especially new members. Jump in, tell us about yourself, ask questions, share your experiences and ideas. This is a great community of gentlepersons!
You should feel free to post any observations, questions, or whatever else you want. We welcome it all :001_smile


Needs milk and a bidet!
Everyday there are new members joining and everyday there are old threads that move back a page. Some of those threads could contain very useful information for someone that is new.

It is imperative that B&B has new posts & new threads. Even if the content has been asked or stated a thousand times before, chances are someone new has never seen it.

And new members not only benefit from this but so do veteran members as well. Every member here has a unique experience with shaving and the different topics provided here. Sharing your experiences is what keeps B&B lively and moving forward.

Please do not hesitate to make a post because you feel it will not be of any value to us or that it might irritate us. The folks that get in a tiff over repetitive topics don't stick around long.

If someone posts something offending to you please let a Moderator know.
Go ahead and ask! It gives us guys who were noobs the last time that thread was started a chance to act cool and give answers.

The B&B search features are, to be kind, pretty useless. I think we've all come to accept that and expect any attempt to dig through the archives for a similar thread to be futile.
Some of the best friends I have are ones I'll never meet in person. Lots of adventures started with that first post. It pays to be thick skinned and not take anything personally in Internet forums; So many of have shaving in common - it's become a brotherhood for me in this last few months. So read as much as you can, sit back and post some and have fun here!
I just don't want the established membership to roll their eyes when I post about my first cold-water shave.

What are your thoughts?

We play tag here. We take turns laughing at newbies and rolling our eyes, but someone's always stuck being "it" and has to answer properly.

Today's my off day... :001_rolle
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Another perspective---If all the newbies stopped asking questions and posting, the site would soon become
just a social gathering. I'm a newbie who first used a DE in 1964 (with many electrics and carts. in the interim) and I'm still asking questions.
There are lots of members here who enjoy newbie posts. And you never know when someone who may have the answer you're looking for happens to be reading the forums. Post away!

You know, when I first found the B&B forum I was really excited to see that there is a global network of like-minded individuals who are interested in something that I thought I would never find any information on. How wrong I was.

That being said, I now hesitate to post my (n00b) experiences as I have seen from other long-time members that the endless list of newbie topics that get posted again and again is somewhat irritating to the general membership and I would rather save myself the embarrassment of posting my first-time experiences and simply lurk, leeching all the good information and tips.

I hate to lurk. I feel that if I am a member of a community I should be active but this vibe I'm getting tells me otherwise. Don't misunderstand me - this is one of the most civil and friendly groups I have come across in a forum! I just don't want the established membership to roll their eyes when I post about my first cold-water shave.

What are your thoughts?

Don't hesitate at all. "Search" features are not infallible. It shouldn't be irritating to the membership. Any ribbing or teasing really should be good-natured and not intended as malicious.
Searching is easier when there are multiple threads on the same topic :)

Plus, no one goes back and adds to old threads even if they have new experiences to share. Unless someone starts a new one or brings up an old thread.

I just realized today that I should splash water on before re-lathering, hadn't really thought much about it before.
Welcome to B&B, Jake. Asking questions is part of the learning process, and for the most part the members here are the nicest on the Internet.

I'd much rather read questions or experiences and advice requests from new members than read complaints from "established members" of long-shipping times from B&B supporting vendors or about people applying for closed PIF's.
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