My day at Frenchy' lifetime barber. ((I goofed the thread title name
Alright all I wanted to share an experience I had this past Friday, it was really nostalgic for me.
I'm 33 years old and well admittedly haven't been to a barber in forever, mainly because a LOT of the past years I had very long hair and never let any one mess with it. Well a few years back I had my wife chop it ALL off with my electric cutter... at that point I could tuck my bangs into my pockets lol. She cried when she cut it, I was relived on the other hand and have not looked back as it is SO much simpler and convenient now not to mention cooler in the summer. Ok on with my story...
I would say it has been...about 25 years since I been to my local barber, since shaving my hair off I have gotten accustomed and good at shaving my own head with my clippers I do this while kneeling on the tiled kitchen floor and going about it blind with only feel and never miss a thing. Well my local barber has been around forever, he cut my step dads hair before I was born and was a long time friend of his and when I was very young I got my first hair cut there in the old fashioned barbers chair and got my hair cut fairly regularly by him before I grew my hair. He goes by Frenchy and has been in my town since before memory and despite his being I think possibly nearing 80 years old he still cuts hair, the shop is very old fashioned. Well the other day I was broke and decided to ask my wife for $20 to go down there and see if he was still in business and cutting hair, Friday he was open 9am-5pm.
Went down Friday dressed nice casual with a bit of length to my normally near shaved head and walked in, it felt strange as I had not been in there for 25 years or so. Heard he had a woman working for him to help out I suppose, I had no interest in her cutting my hair to be honest lol. I asked for Frenchy and if he still cut, and yup sure did lol. Was good to see the old man in fair health but as expected in his advanced years he sounds out of breath and the like which made me feel sad because this guy is a great guy but it'll happen to us all. Told him I wanted one of the old military fades like I used to get before, asked me to sit and guess what? I sat down in the very same chair I had sat in as a little kid for my first cut!
Conversation went on and on along various topics including my step dad who had passed a couple years back and talk like that, I swear he used all the same tools as back then too I know one was the save he used on my first cut too. An old pair of electric clippers that looked to me back then a bit medieval, and STILL do. He used those in the middle of the cut and I remember them because they always got hot on him lol, not burning the crap out of you hot but hot enough you'd feel it the whole time he used them and they do the job like an ace. Wow it felt like old times, except now I could converse on the same level as I am an adult now. I found he no longer did the straight razor lines and shaping, guess he can't due to his growing unsteadiness and that was kinda sad as I was looking forward to it but was ok totally understandable.
I had a great visit and hair cut, and he remembered me from back then too which was great! It was really nostalgic for me to sit in that same chair and have the same man cut my hair as back when I was six or some thing, even cooler yet...NOTHING in that shop had changed at all! The scent of Pinaud faded but still there to the trained nose, and I got a fantastic hair cut. It is odd that I find a heck of a lot more appreciation for this in my older age, wish I had been coming all this time and sad that I regained interest in the mans twilight years. I'll def make it a point to return as I can for a hair cut at his shop, things like this are very rare these day's and I would like to revel in my nostalgia before it is gone forever.
Guess that is my story, revisiting my childhood with a ton of nostalgia, getting a great hair cut and lots of memories and good conversation.
Alright all I wanted to share an experience I had this past Friday, it was really nostalgic for me.
I'm 33 years old and well admittedly haven't been to a barber in forever, mainly because a LOT of the past years I had very long hair and never let any one mess with it. Well a few years back I had my wife chop it ALL off with my electric cutter... at that point I could tuck my bangs into my pockets lol. She cried when she cut it, I was relived on the other hand and have not looked back as it is SO much simpler and convenient now not to mention cooler in the summer. Ok on with my story...
I would say it has been...about 25 years since I been to my local barber, since shaving my hair off I have gotten accustomed and good at shaving my own head with my clippers I do this while kneeling on the tiled kitchen floor and going about it blind with only feel and never miss a thing. Well my local barber has been around forever, he cut my step dads hair before I was born and was a long time friend of his and when I was very young I got my first hair cut there in the old fashioned barbers chair and got my hair cut fairly regularly by him before I grew my hair. He goes by Frenchy and has been in my town since before memory and despite his being I think possibly nearing 80 years old he still cuts hair, the shop is very old fashioned. Well the other day I was broke and decided to ask my wife for $20 to go down there and see if he was still in business and cutting hair, Friday he was open 9am-5pm.
Went down Friday dressed nice casual with a bit of length to my normally near shaved head and walked in, it felt strange as I had not been in there for 25 years or so. Heard he had a woman working for him to help out I suppose, I had no interest in her cutting my hair to be honest lol. I asked for Frenchy and if he still cut, and yup sure did lol. Was good to see the old man in fair health but as expected in his advanced years he sounds out of breath and the like which made me feel sad because this guy is a great guy but it'll happen to us all. Told him I wanted one of the old military fades like I used to get before, asked me to sit and guess what? I sat down in the very same chair I had sat in as a little kid for my first cut!
Conversation went on and on along various topics including my step dad who had passed a couple years back and talk like that, I swear he used all the same tools as back then too I know one was the save he used on my first cut too. An old pair of electric clippers that looked to me back then a bit medieval, and STILL do. He used those in the middle of the cut and I remember them because they always got hot on him lol, not burning the crap out of you hot but hot enough you'd feel it the whole time he used them and they do the job like an ace. Wow it felt like old times, except now I could converse on the same level as I am an adult now. I found he no longer did the straight razor lines and shaping, guess he can't due to his growing unsteadiness and that was kinda sad as I was looking forward to it but was ok totally understandable.
I had a great visit and hair cut, and he remembered me from back then too which was great! It was really nostalgic for me to sit in that same chair and have the same man cut my hair as back when I was six or some thing, even cooler yet...NOTHING in that shop had changed at all! The scent of Pinaud faded but still there to the trained nose, and I got a fantastic hair cut. It is odd that I find a heck of a lot more appreciation for this in my older age, wish I had been coming all this time and sad that I regained interest in the mans twilight years. I'll def make it a point to return as I can for a hair cut at his shop, things like this are very rare these day's and I would like to revel in my nostalgia before it is gone forever.
Guess that is my story, revisiting my childhood with a ton of nostalgia, getting a great hair cut and lots of memories and good conversation.

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