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A new Edison Production Pen Coming

So my Goulet newsletter came through,

And Edison has a new production model that launches tomorrow, nothing else was shared except this teaser pic


Did you guys know about it ?

anyone excited for something new ?

anyone know anything more ?
oh man, I really like the celluloid look and have been stalking several on the bay. I may have to wait and see what these are...thanks for the heads up, James.
The samples shots look great. Brian does do a great job with his material selection and polishing. Since I got the Hudson from the Gold contributor give-away, I have been thinking about having Brian make a pen for me, he really does create works of art.
It will come with an adapter to screw directly onto a Noodlers 4.5 ounce bottle. (Quite an unwieldy image LOL) Your arm will get tired before you run out of ink :blink:

Or perhaps a piston fill...

BTW Im usually a big fan of Blue but that amber/yellow gets my attention
Might be that pneumatic filler that was announced a while back.

I have cunningly stifled my temptation to buy more modern pens by getting a ridiculous number of vintage ones.
I've been sworn to secrecy.....

The DC pen show is just around the corner

I'll bet ( and I don't really know) but it may debut there.

All I can say is

YOUSE GUYS ARE GOING TO LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dangit i misunderstood the Goulet letter, THEY get it tomorrow, but wont share nuttin till after the reveal, brian take pictures for us of the event

and if you have room in your pocket, and one were to fall off the table and can no longer be sold,..... I call dibs (BTW bump the table hard and often)
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