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A neat encounter at Target

I was perusing the shaving aisle at Target, and a little elderly lady came up and asked the nearest clerk if they had single-edged razor blades. The clerk had NO clue what she was talking about; I didn't see any on the shelves, so I intervened and told her that I'd seen them at the nearest drug store. She told me her husband had recently decided to start using a SE razor, and she had no idea where to get the blades for him. She was surprised someone my age would know what they were, much less where to find them.
You should have told her about Badger & Blade. For all we know, that husband of hers could have the most amazing razor collection ever :w00t:
Our local Target has one brand of SE blade - but heaven forbid the clerk should know anything about this! :w00t:
Well done sir! For what it's worth, within a four mile radius of where I live, there are two grocery stores that have Treet single edge, and another grocery store and drug store that carry the Gems. I'd think that's pretty unusual in most of the country, though. We definitely need to help each other out where we can.
I think a lot of us are always waiting for such an event to unfold around us. We keep our ear to the ground looking for others like ourselfs, like a kid at a carnival looking for a dropped loose dollar bill - congrats - it must feel good! lol
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