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A little help please?

Can anyone tell me how to get rid of old posts that are no longer necessary and are just cluttering up things? I'm not that good at using the computer, and I still have alot to learn. I have alot to learn about getting around this site too. Thanks for any help, I can sure use it.:001_rolle
Only the admins/moderators can delete posts. This is not done unless it violates the Terms of Usage.
Near the top of the forum main page there is "new posts" button. If you click it when you sign on, you will only be shown threads that contain new posts.
Right before you sign off, go to the bottom of the main forum page and click "mark forums read" and it will be all cleaned up for you next visit.

Or you could do what I do, and go back and read all the old posts looking for justification to buy more stuff :w00t:
Another way to clean up the clutter is to click on:

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Choose the time period that works for you: 1 day, 2 days, 1 week, 10 days ...

Anything beyond a month gets to be unmanageable.
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