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A blade-related question

Apologies if this is in the wrong forum - my question is blade-related soni hope it fits here.

A few weeks ago I found an online vendor that sold the little white plastic cases/holders separately - like the ones that hold 5 Feather or Derby blades. I want to pick up a few for loading my Astras in when I travel but for the life of me I can not remember what vender it was.

Any one have any suggestions? I can't even remember my search criteria that led me to the site.


Ha! Anyone here would send you an empty case or two! PM me your address and I would be happy to send you a few. Are you in the lower 48? Not a problem. Shave on!
Thanks for the offer - and apologies for not responding sooner. After I posted I spent most of the long weekend outside with the kids and away from the computer!

PM sent

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