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$8 Antique Store Buy

I was getting new eyeglasses today and while I was waiting I decided to walk into an antique store down the street.

This is a bundle I got for $8
No great find but there were Two Techs a Super Speed TTO and some no name Old Type razor.

The Best of the lot and a definite keeper for me was the 1953 Gold Tech. It looks unused, there is no wear, scratches or dings anywhere:
$GoldTech1.jpg $GoldTech2.jpg$GoldTech3.jpg

I'll show the other razors in more posts.
Next was a 1970(P) Black handle Super Speed.
It works fine but the plating on the doors is pretty rough.
$SS1.jpg $SS2.jpg
This 38-45 Gold Tech has seen better days and the handle looks like it's from an Old or New Type razor with cracks in it.
I have no idea who makes this razor. It looks like an Old Type Open Comb but the only thing on it is a Circle with "MadeinUSA" on it?
I'm not even sure if it has the right handle on it. It doesn't seem like a Gillette made handle but if it ever was Nickel like the head it lost that long ago.
Don't poo poo that early D shaped lather relief tech. Those are sought after as they are a little more aggressive than the newer style.

Use some non abrasive polish on the doors of the SS and it might come back from the dead. MAS, Fitz, SemiChrome, Wenol. Any of those brands will not have abrasives in them.

Thanks for the tip on the polish Turtle! I'm going to give it a try on the SS since I'm actually interesting in trying it. All my other razors are 3 piece.

I have a few Nickel Pre-War Techs and 2 are Triangle slot like this one. I use my Triangle slot Canadian Tech in my weekly rotation ;)
I'm pretty sure that is a cracked Old Type handle on it though.
Nice score!! Wish i could find stuff like that here for that kind of money :) You should try and get a nice case for that minty tech :)
Congrats on your score.....did you remember to go back for the glasses?....:)
hah yes I did. Last night I was getting ready for my shower and de shave, when I took my glasses off and folded the temple arms in the left one split right where to lens/frame/lens join and they fell apart!
Needless to say last nights shave was far from easy and not very good lol.
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