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6th National Shaving Collectibles Extravaganza - Serious Shaving Porn!

I actually found this by accident over at the bay, but I found the website as well. I can't go to this, but it sure looks like the place to be for some serious collecting as well as draining your wallet. You might have to sell everything you own and live on the streets, but you could definitely acquire one of the best shaving collections around! Serious Razor Porn, indeed!
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I am busy that entire weekend with something that's been planned for a year now!!

Finally find something that's almost literally in my back yard and I can't go to it!

If these guys are around my area at least it explains why I can't find anything good at any of the antique malls cause they've already bought it up.
Wait, just one more bank to rob and I'll be on my way. SWEET!!!!!! Just what every shaving enthusiast needs. They should take the show on the road. I'll go when it gets to my town.
I stumbled across this myself a few months ago. Kinda tough to plan a vay-K for the wife as well in the area. Guess I'll just have to wait til I get stationed near there LOL!
wow. it'd be nice great if every state had something like this. kinda like a record fair, except for safety razor nuts interested in buying, selling & trading razor goodies
I'm in Ohio but this is still a 4-5 hour drive for me (probably more as I am prone to getting lost... would have to borrow a GPS)

I am in the NE and this is SW :(
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