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65 years ago today at Iwo Jima


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd


My elbows leak
Staff member
Some names to go along with the picture.

Sgt Michael Strank, USMC (KIA)
Cpl Harlon Block, USMC (KIA)
PFC Franklin Sousley, USMC (KIA)
PFC Rene Gagnon, USMC
PFC Ira Hayes, USMC
PM2 John Bradley, USN

Members all of the Greatest Generation.
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Some names to go along with the picture.

Sgt Michael Strank, USMC (KIA)
Cpl Harlon Block, USMC (KIA)
PFC Franklin Sousley, USMC (KIA)
PFC Rene Gagnon, USMC
PFC Ira Hayes, USMC
PM2 John Bradley, USN

Members all of the Greatest Generation.

Indeed they are, and the pride runs deep.

I'm a much later Air Force vet who is proud and humbled. Thank you.
my thanks to those men, and all of those who have served under that flag.. including those men and women still doing so today!
To those few, the proud, the unwavering, the resolute, who sacrificed so much so that today we can enjoy our freedoms, words will never be a true measure of our appreciation for your bravery, courage, and dedication!

Thank You!


Wanting for wisdom
Help me to understand what makes this victory such a visceral hoorah moment? Iwo Jima was a very small island. The US employed 110K men to virtually kill off all of 18K Japanese. I don't think there was much doubt as to how things would turn out. A terrible price was paid to take Iwo Jima . . . some 6-7 thousand American lives were lost.

Flesh it out for me please.
One of the best things I did as a stupid young Marine was volunteer to work at a 4th Marine Division reunion in Seattle. I got to meet many Iwo Jima survivors.

Two things stand out in my memory of the event. One was the way those old timers looked at me, a young Marine in uniform. I felt pretty damn humble, and it dawned on me that the funny, wistful looks I'd catch were because I reminded these guys of of what they used to be before their lives were changed in a way I couldn't really understand.

The other was when a Japanese WWII vet saw the signs and came in. A lot of the old guys wanted to get a picture with him, and there were a lot of tears.
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