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40s style SS disssembly

Has anyone found a tool or something that can remove the bottom screw on a 40s style SS? It kind of looks like an inverted phillips head. I can make something custom, but would prefer not to.

I fooled with a few C-ring pliers and was able to loosen one screw, but ultimately, I ground the tip of an old slotted-head screwdriver into a sharp "V" and it works like a charm.
I fooled with a few C-ring pliers and was able to loosen one screw, but ultimately, I ground the tip of an old slotted-head screwdriver into a sharp "V" and it works like a charm.

That was going to be my approach too. I'll give it a whirl.
Yeah, I have a modified screwdriver i use myself.

Just remember that the threads on the superspeeds are left handed. You turn clockwise to unscrew and counterclockwise to tighten.


(not my picture)
The spanner would work.


Only problem is a 1/4 inch hex bit isn't going to fit down the handle of a Super Speed let alone the bit holder.
BTW. Than a picture of my modified screwdriver, note that the sides of the head have been ground so that it will fit down inside the handle.
With a cheap screwdriver you could also use a file if you don't have a bench grinder.
Besides the inverted vee the tip needs to be thinned as the slots are rather narrow.
I got frustrated with the same problem and tried a couple of different things and then took a phillips head screw driver and ground it out and it works perfectly now.

View attachment 72529

Nice work, but most guys aren't capable of modding a Phillips like that but could notch a straight blade screwdriver.
BTW. what method did you use to grind the tip?
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I used a dremel and several different bits and some patience. The hardest part was getting it started. Then it was just matter grinding and testing. It grips well but I almost always forget that those screws are reverse threads and look like an idiot when I turn it in the correct direction.
if you have a frys or other gek type superstor check there tools section and you might be able to find a micro screwdriver with a spanner head
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