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2-pass BBS possible with a DE? If so which one?

hi guys, I'm to the point in DE shaving now where I can shave super fast when it comes to wtg and xtg, but because of how my beard grows in a few areas (around the corners of my mouth and a few spots on my neck) it makes going atg a tricky undertaking and no matter how sweet of a shave I'd gotten up to that point. I usually end up cutting myself when going atg in those trouble spots and I was wondering if anyone can use something like the R41 or a merkur slant to get BBS without going atg?

would a straight be better than any DE? my whole reason to start wet shaving was to eventually work my way up to the art of the straight so maybe it's what I need to focus on?
2011 R41
Merkur Futur
Cobra Classic its a Se

Most aggressive I know of!!

But i do three passes and go atg
Did a 2-pass with an r41 and a Gillette 7 O'Clock Black today and it was a great shave albeit a meticulously careful shave with ZERO PRESSURE. (I put a very heavy Weber Razor handle on it some time ago) The 37c is a wonderful razor, but I still need touch ups after 2 passes. The r41 is far more aggressive in my opinion and you have to be on your A-Game! I mostly use the r41 and 37c on weekends in case I do a Freddy Krueger. Lived dangerously today.
but it will be close to BBS not quiet BBS.

if you do not go ATG then BBS is not possible, or at least not for me.
but I don't even aim for a BBS ..just a DFS
and I get a better than DFS with one pass and touchup with the R41
Its all about proper prep and good technique ... I've gotten BBS on 1 pass more than once ... usually with a SledgeHammer Slant / Feather blade mowing down a 5 day or more beard.

YMMV of course ... the razor and blade that work for me may not do the same trick for you. But you'll get better results with ANY razor if you go through the right processes BEFORE the blade hits your face.
Maybe I have no idea what constitutes BBS but I get a very, very nice shave on two passes with my iKon bulldog deluxe open-comb. And that razor isn't exactly known for its aggressiveness.
Definitely slant. Got BBS above the jawline in several spots today after the FIRST pass with a vintage Merkur slant today. Just brilliant!
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