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1924 Ever Ready

What blades will fit the 1924 Ever Ready? I have the CVS blades and the are hard to center in the head. if I can get them to set center while I shut the head they won't move. They move horizontally not vertically. I think the 1912 had a better design for the blade holder. I was considering sticking it out with the CVS or Gem style but I was curious about Feather blades, the spine less blades, will the fit better?
Let gravity help you out. Hold the razor so that the blade rest on top of the blade stops until you close the head.
I just takes a little getting used to is all.

I shaved today with a Micromatic open comb that only has 1 blade stop as the other one has worn completely away. Takes a little more concentration to make sure the blade is correctly positioned but it shaves just fine.

Thanks Turtle that explains something that has been on my mind. The difference in weight between the TTO and the 1924 is noticeable.
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