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132 Blades - Kai gives unexpected results AND CHARTS!

The Kai blade gave me 4 shaves, 3 were BBS and the last was a DFS. Blood was a bit more than I thought it should be but not a record setter for this test. Still, for me the blade was a disappointment as it never really was comfortable. This kind of bothers me because there are shavers in the forum that I tend to agree with in terms of blade selection, at least a vast majority of the time. So many love this blade but for me, it was "upper half of the common herd" and "adequate", not because it gives bad results, but because it isn't a comfortable blade to use. Using only the first 4 shaves criteria, the blade moves up a bit in the standings but is still comfortably well within the common herd.


I'm a little less than half done and charts are getting busy so I'll post some that will likely be too busy to make sense in the future.

Considering all blades so far and all shaves:



Looking at just the first 4 shaves:

Kais are slightly wider than many DEs, so they tend to have a touch more 'blade feel' than some in a lot of razors. I used to really dislike blade feel so my first use of the Kais weren't my favorite shaves. They've grown on me though and now they don't bother me as much.
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