After a few days where I didn't shave, I ran a tech across my face in a WTG shave, waited about 12 hours and started with the Sputnik. The blade rated a 7.73 which is basically exactly middle of the pack so far. It gave me 6 DFS shaves, with the first shave close enough to a BBS that I think, over time and with familiarity, would have been better. The pros are a sharp smooth blade that fives a consistent DFS shave, front to back. I can definitely respect that. The con was a little blood (9 weepers in shaves) but I strongly feel that this number would come down to 0 - 2 if I had a tuck and spent some time with the brand. Would it become a top tier blade for me? No, in the rankings it is now #24. In looking at just the first 4 shaves, it moves DOWN to #29 in the pecking order. Could I be CONTENT with this blade? A resounding YES.