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1000th Post PIF

Wow! This Is an extremely generous PIF!

I'm in, there are many items in there I have not tried before.

Congratulations on the milestone!
Thanks everyone for the kind words!:w00t:

Since I waited till my 1,000th post to do an official PIF I wanted it to be GRAND. (Get one thousandth post PIF, grand?:wink2:) I have been stock piling some items just for this, and I had a bunch of sample containers left over from the After Shave Pass Around Box so I decided to do the samples also. I wanted to include the entire Wet Shaving Experience, pre, shave, and post. Blades and Razors are just to YMMV IMHO, not to say creams, soaps, and after shaves aren't, so this is how we wound up with this PIF. That and being a C.E.C Operative I have to do my part to encourage all AD's. :wink:

In true B&B Spirit I would hope the winner would pass on any items that he/she already has to some other member(s).

Good Luck to everyone that has entered so far and to any others who enter before the deadline.

That being said I just realized I failed to put a cutoff time in the rules. I'll remedy that now.
Cutoff for sign up will be 8:00am CST (1:00pm GMT) 9-24-2016. When I select and announce the winner will mostly depend on when I wake up that morning. :biggrin1:
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Thats a lot of stuff. And i think 8 might have used one or two.
Im in, please.
And congrats on the 1000 post. Hope i can do the same some day.
This is an amazingly generous PIF! Thank you for offering it.

There are several things in there that I really want to try, so I'm in.
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