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1/1 - Stubby 1 - Chubby 1

I currently have a 1/1 (super) and am considering trying either a Stubby 1 (super) or a Chubby 1 (super). I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts, especially comparing and contrasting them.

I'm almost exclusively a soap user and a face latherer. MWF's my go to soap. I've been using a 1/1 for a while. Some days I wish it had a little more backbone and was a little softer on the face. Other days, it suits me just fine, so I'm not completely sold on trying something new at all. I've thought about trying a 1/1 in finest but $200 is a lot for me to go on a brush. I guess it's a good thing most 1/1 finest brushes are sold out.

So, what are your thoughts?
If you want stiff/backbone with really soft tips, the Heritage stubby is a great choice. I have a size 2 stubby that feels great, although it is a lather hog. Good luck!
backbone w/ soft face feel is the stubby (rooney heritage line). the finest 1/1 will have a rougher feel on the face because it has so much back-bone. i think the chubby 1 super, which is 3-banded (not available in 2 band) is pretty similar to the stubby but more expensive.

if you want a combination of stiffness and softness, the stubby will be a step up from a 1/1 in super. not a huge difference, but definitely noticeable. However, it will also be much more dense, which provides for a great face feel but IMO makes the brush into a lather hog.

In this case I would vote chubby super, you have a rooney 1/1 a step up is a stubby but not by much. Ive tried a finest and I agree is really prickly and doesn't retain much water. The chubby is a different experience all together than a rooney. A soft dense knot with lots of back bone in fact I would call it muscular, hence my choice. I too only face lather soaps (including MWF) and find the chubby to be the perfect combination.
Thanks guys.

Ambrose, based on some of your replies, it looks like you have experience with all three of these brushes. Would you say the Chubby was both firmer (backbone) and softer (on the face) than a 1/1? How would you compare the Chubby v the Stubby?
The chubby has more muscle and the same softness as a rooney. Im in love with mine, and like I said all I do if face lather and use soaps. Go with your gut on this one you cant go wrong.
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