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Smelled it at Kohl's yesterday, which is the opposite of the kind of place James Bond would shop.

To me, it smelled cheap and fruity. Like a much less good version of Burberry or Varvatos Vintage.

The only 007 who would consider this crap is George Lazenby, and even then, probably not.
It sounds too gimmicky to me, and the brief review above makes it sound like they are pandering to the current designer trend of sweet, fruity scents. So the development of the scent has little to do with "Bond" in the manner most of us over 20 think of him, and everything to do with using the name to sell product. I think we all have our own sort image of Bond depending on when we first saw one of the movies (or read the books). I realize the Craig version is meant to be more contemporary and disinclined to wear Eucris or Floris 89, but I still can't wrap my head around him smelling like a young "clubber." For me, maybe he'd wear Pens Sartorial, or Tom Ford Extreme.

I appreciate that the entertainment industry goes out if its way to work out product deals based on their intellectual property to increase income. A friend of mine bought the Tom Ford Craig "Bond" sunglasses from Casino Royal. I've just ordered a Grenadine tie similar to the one worn in Skyfall. Another guy I know has seriously considered the 007 Omega watch.

But this cologne sounds a like "must pass." I don't think it is really intended for anyone with a modicum of maturity and taste. Don't wish to knock anyone who likes it and buys it. If you like the scent go for it. But a lot of people will think it's a bit tawdry.
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Anything with a celeb icon or name associated with it is riddled with marketing gimmicks. I'd just as soon not wear anything at all as use something with a movie star, rock star, country star, professional athlete, or whoever else's name you see splattered across tabloids while standing at the checkout line.
I can't imagine that this would be good. Most product tie-ins like this are embarrassingly sleazy. However, I used to have an Oddjob action figure that was kind of cool.
Smelled it at Kohl's yesterday, which is the opposite of the kind of place James Bond would shop.

To me, it smelled cheap and fruity. Like a much less good version of Burberry or Varvatos Vintage.

The only 007 who would consider this crap is George Lazenby, and even then, probably not.

I take offense to that!!! Lazenby was a great Bond, just dumb in real life!!!
I loved "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," but can you imagine how great it would've been with Craig or Connery?

Anyway, 007 branded stuff is usually pretty high end. But certainly not this cologne. It might be nice, however, for someone who's never smelled anything better.
Seriously, 007 as a "fragrance"...?!

This is right up there with those Bond branded Omegas and "007" vanity plates. Apologies to Omega owners if you've got one...my mileage definitely varied.
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