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0 for 2 on mugs!

I am 0 for 2 on freakin' Old Spice Mugs! No, No, this isn't an I got sniped and I'm gonna cry post. It's an I won and both were broken by the USPS and now I'm gonna cry! I kid you not, I decided it was time to get a nice vintage old spice mug or two. Actually, my long term goal is one of each of the different variations in really nice condition. Hadn't seen any on BST lately so went to the bay.

I'll give you that one wasn't packaged good but the other was packaged very well but looked like someones kid took it to soccer practice and used it instead of a ball.:glare:

Both bayers did refund my money in full. Can't complain there. Just needed to vent among friends. Saddest thing is that one was a really old one, may it rest in piece, I mean peace.:001_rolle
I will keep them in my prayers! sorry for your loss mam.
keep trying, one of them has to make it to you safely eventually.
Sadly, we always seem to be playing the lottery when we buy on line/mail order.
You know you are in trouble when your package containing aftershave arrives smelling really nice. :thumbdown
I've been lucky with vintage mugs, OS mugs and a couple of others. The sellers coccooned them in layers of bubble wrap and they made it through okay. I think they were all delivered by USPS, too.

Well, at least you got your money back, and hopefully the sellers did, too, through insurance. You'll probably be fine next time.:thumbup1:
Is there an Old Spice mug with either a Model T style car or an old steam engine on it? I swear there's a mug like this at an antique store not 5 minutes from my house. They want $10 for it. If we could work something out payment-wise, I'd go grab it and mail it to you.
I could be wrong, but I don't believe a mug with a Model T or any car is on one of the old spice mugs. I do appreciate that very gentlemanly offer. That's what B&B is about. Sharing and lokking out for one another!

My source for info on old spice mugs info is here:

Is there an Old Spice mug with either a Model T style car or an old steam engine on it? I swear there's a mug like this at an antique store not 5 minutes from my house. They want $10 for it. If we could work something out payment-wise, I'd go grab it and mail it to you.

i know which one you're talking about... the name escapes me though...
You and I must have the same mail man Rosborne...it's finally gotten so bad that the post office doesn't allow him to deliver packages to my apartment or even drop them off in our mail room anymore. He now has to write out a pink slip to leave in my mailbox every time notifying me that I have a package waiting for me at the post office. I actually had to email Col. Conk one time to have them send me a replacement sampler because the USPS destroyed the first one they sent me.
One warm Saturday afternoon a month or so ago I was relaxing on the couch with my girlfriend watching TV. We had the front door open for a breeze and the next thing we know something slams into the open door and thuds onto the ground in my living room scaring the crap out of both of us. Turns out, the mailman couldn't be bothered climbing the 13 stairs to my apartment door and hurled the package directly into my apartment - lazy SOB :mad3:
That is terribly bad luck. I've had four OS mugs delivered by USPS, three of the older Hull pottery variety, and they arrived safely. If you don't already have one of the older ones, they are worth waiting for. Different feel in the hand than the glass ones, I have a provence sante puck sitting in one of them and it fits perfectly. Hopefully your next one comes in one piece, I think they're worth pursuing.
I had the USPS open a package up, steal the ceramics and electronics out of it, open up the food items and partially eat them, then re-tape the package and send it to me. I never use them for any packages anymore, and never opt for receipt from them unless it's the only shipping option, or the sending business will insure it(or has customer service skills). :mad3:

I also love seeing bootprints on boxes marked FRAGILE. :blink:
I am 0 for 2 on freakin' Old Spice Mugs! No, No, this isn't an I got sniped and I'm gonna cry post. It's an I won and both were broken by the USPS and now I'm gonna cry! I kid you not, I decided it was time to get a nice vintage old spice mug or two. Actually, my long term goal is one of each of the different variations in really nice condition. Hadn't seen any on BST lately so went to the bay.

I'll give you that one wasn't packaged good but the other was packaged very well but looked like someones kid took it to soccer practice and used it instead of a ball.:glare:

Both bayers did refund my money in full. Can't complain there. Just needed to vent among friends. Saddest thing is that one was a really old one, may it rest in piece, I mean peace.:001_rolle

Bought two, both arrived safe & sound via USPS.

Truly, YMMV.
Not to play devils advocate (because I know how people at the USPS handle packages as I am one of them), but were these items shipped properly?

I can be fired and I make next to nothing (near minimum wage) even though I have the most important job in the post office as far as handling the mail goes. I am careful with packages marked fragile, etc. It takes 2 seconds to set aside an area in a container for fragile packages.

Essentially, it comes down to a few factors. The shipper has multiple options available in which to almost guarantee a package arrives with nothing broken on the inside. If you surround something with a good 2 inches of packing peanuts/material, it should be able to survive anything short of being run over. If that isn't enough, have it marked fragile. If you still don't trust the USPS, have it insured and/or sent registered mail. Another tip is to use a new box. Old cardboard crumples very easily and without the rigidity of the cardboard, the package is doomed.

That said, some postal employees make me sick as far as how little work they want to actually do. There are a lot who simply don't give a crap about something someone else paid for. Certainly, there are some clerks who act this way, but the primary offender is the carrier. Many of them are in it simply for the money and the fact that it's nearly impossible to be fired.
You guys were right. I found it. It's actually an Avon mug.

There was also a series of Surrey mugs, Surrey being a glycerin soap much like VdH. Some of them came with pictures of classic cars; I have several of those.

The "coffee mug" style of OS mug is nice. I use mine as a regular shaving mug, along with the shorter ones that were actually meant as shaving mugs.

After reading all these USPS horror stories, I guess I'm lucky. Never had anything like that happen, and some eBay sellers don't pack razors very well.
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