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0.5 micron diamond paste

Thinking ahead to when I need to "refresh" my razor(s).

I'm looking at 0.5 micron diamond paste.

Would this be better (or easier for a newbie) on a flat, mounted balsa strop or on a leather hanging strop? I realise that there are other options including linen, canvas, etc. but balsa and leather would be easier/cheaper to source.

EDIT: How many laps would be "sufficient"?
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For a n00b, I'd recommend some sort of leather paddle. Primarily for two reasons: a. paddles are easier to use, ergo less chance to screw up the edge. b. the media to which an abrasive is applied affects how aggressively it cuts. A very general rule of thumb might be that harder media make the abrasive cut more aggressively. A leather paddle is a nice compromise between balsa and pressed wool.

Generally speaking, I never go over 15 laps with diamond pastes (typically 10 on the .5 followed by 5 on the .25). More than that and I find the edge gets harsh.
I say go for the balsa strop. It is more rigid than the leather so it should have less tendency to round the bevel. I do about 8 laps on CrOx every tenshaves. Diamond paste is more aggressive so I would halve that.
I would go with a paddle strop.

Edit..any of those should work if done correctly. Im not sure how well you strop on a regular hanging strop
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