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Super-Max Super Stainless

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Vidyut Super-Max Super Stainless

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Pros: Everyting
Cons: none
I really cannot recommend this blade highly enough. It is very very inexpensive, like other Supermax/Vidjut products, but don't be misled by the cheap price, this is a blade literally second to none insofar as performance.

This is a sharp, very extremely, indeed shockingly smooth blade. I knew it was a winner with the first stroke.

They come packaged in a cardboard box with a slot for used blades. Each blade in individually wrapped in paper, and then in wax paper. No glue spots.

I didn't measure it with a micrometer, but I have the impression that these are very thin and very delicate blades. They bend and flex with the slightest pressure and would no doubt snap very easily. I used them in an old Soviet Superspeed copy, preshaved with canola oil, and face lathered with Arko.

The result was four very fine, irritation-free shaves. (I generally get 5 or 6 shaves from a blade.)

All in all, an outstanding blade, not just at the low price point, but one which compares favorably to anything else I have ever tried.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
5.00 star(s)
Pros: Comes in a paper packet with no glue
Cons: Started to rust after 2 and a bit days of no use
I received this razor within a multipack so, just as with all the other razors, I gave it a try.

To my disappointment, this blade pulled, bumped and even took the head off a healed zit while managing to leave me with patchy stubble even after a 3 pass shave.
it's like it's ripping the hairs out rather than shaving them!

After 2 days, I went back to the blade to see if it gets better once broken in, to my amazement it had signs of rust. (i have a small bathroom but other blades don't deteriorate in such a small space of time)
I wiped the rust off and tried again but the shave was just as bad and frustrating and I normally love shaving.

Needless to say I binned the blade after that and won't be going back.
2.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
1.00 star(s)

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3.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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