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Noxzema medicated shave cream

Item Description

I have been using Noxzema Medicated Shave Cream for about 2 months and find it to be the best of the best in its category. It beats any other canned junk and all gels. What impresses me most is the ingredients, aloe,glycerin and lanolin among other things. I do 3 passes each morning and can tell you the razor glides. I have been using injectors and my 11C open comb without any problem. So there you have it. You can snicker all you want but I think its the best thing since sliced bread. I almost forgot I paid $1.99 at my local Publix.

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I picked this up out of curiosity due to the ingredients and I was pleasantly surprised at how it works. As good as any of the "snooty" creams, if not better. I have been looking to simplify my shaving supplies because I don't particularly like to shop online, I don't feel the inclination to keep a "rotation" of soaps and creams taking up too much room, and, overall, I am a practical guy who just wants to shave comfortably, quickly, and get it out of the way.

Price: paid 2.50 for an 110z can. Considering how it works, a steal. Properly priced for a can of cream and not "out of line" like the cans of C.O. Bigelow which cost 10 bucks a pop and are nothing to write home about.

Scent: While not the most pleasant scent to wake up to, it is not terribly unpleasant either. It smells very medicinal and it is not the smell you expect from a shaving cream but, again, it doesn't smell like #$%$%. To me, scents are not a priority and I actually prefer unscented products so this fits the bill.

Efficacy: It works and it works well. For me, let me say that again, for ME, it works better than any of the fancy creams so highly regarded around here. I don't think I will spend any more $$ on fancy creams or soaps that are supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread when a 2.50 can works better FOR ME This stuff makes a nice, thick, creamy lather, the razor just glides, and the shave is the most comfortable to date.

Bottomline: Give it an honest shot and you might be surprised. if scents are the most important thing in the world for you, if you only want to use overprized junk that doesn't really work but you still justify buying them by bashing products you've never tried then this is not for you. If you can be fair, then you might like this. $2.50 for a can, locally available, effective and practical = a clear winner for me.
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Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)
No disrespect to the above poster, but I don't think he knows what he's saying. This is terrible terrible stuff. No cushion, smells like s%!#, doesn't moisturize, doesn't do anything. Looks nice though.
4.00 star(s)
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Moisturizing Properties
1.00 star(s)
I have been using Noxzema Medicated Shave Cream for about 2 months and find it to be the best of the best in its category. It beats any other canned junk and all gels. What impresses me most is the ingredients, aloe,glycerin and lanolin among other things. I do 3 passes each morning and can tell you the razor glides. I have been using injectors and my 11C open comb without any problem. So there you have it. You can snicker all you want but I think its the best thing since sliced bread. I almost forgot I paid $1.99 at my local Publix.
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)

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