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Lider Classic

Item Description

From the same company that brings you WARS (the shaving cream) and Lider Active - another brand and a completely different fragrance again - this time much more citrussy (if that's a word - well it is now). Price-wise, it's cheap (PLN4.60 (click for USD equiv) a tube on eBay + shipping), and it lathers just as well as many expensive brands, compared to the Active version of Lider this is like a grapefruit/lime mix - a minor surprise is that the cream is green, but that's only a surprise once It doesn't come in a box, so the tube will invariably land in a slightly battered state - then again what do you expect at this price point?

Latest reviews

Pros: very good glide
Cons: Scent and latherability
I purchased a tube of this off of the BST a few months ago and have finally gotten around to using it. As noted by others, the cream is a strange looking green and a had to use about 50% than normal (compared to Proraso and Speick) to get the volume of lather I am used to. Even when fully whipped up, it was a much lighter, airy lather and I thought it was going to be a poor shave indeed. However, for whatever reason, I have been achieving very nice shaves with the cream and even though it goes on thin, it provides good glide to the blade.

The scent is more than a little too sweet for me (and I like Cella and P.160's sweet scent!) and to me, it smells like a cross between Lime and PineSol.

All in all, a nice enough product but there's just so many better things out there that I can't see myself "settling" for Lider.
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Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
I got this in a 4 pack I bought off ebay, less than $5 each shipped. I understand theyre much less in Poland, but for under 5 bux a tube, I still think its a great deal.

Price- Under $5, decent price.

Quality - Dont expect TOBs, expect somewhere around Arko.

Scent - It's a sweet smelling lime-ish smell. Its nice, but not luxurious.

Latherability - Works for me, standard cream. Almond size dot, good to go. Not a challenge to lather.

Efficiancy - Great. Didnt feel any dragging of the razor. Have had great shaves with it. Not amazing, but great.

Moisturizing Properties - Not really drying, I would recommend your normal aftershave,

Packaging - Metal tubes. mine was split a little when I got it, but use a key with the tube and its not a problem. As much as I dont like metal tubes, I wouldnt want to lose them. Much better than plastic.

This is a standard working mans cream. Not as good as an high end english cream, but definitely isnt terrible. Im very happy with my purchase and will use it from time to time.
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4.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
4.00 star(s)
I got that cream in the mail this morning from Poland , it cost me about 2 US dollars so for the price you can't really beat that.
The scent is ok, it's a kind of citrus smell, nothing incredible.
But the good point of that cream is the lather it creates.
A tiny dot of cream in a mug creates a slick, rich and protective lather, enough for a 3 pass shaves.
I recommend it.
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)

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0.43 star(s) 7 ratings

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