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Jack Black Supreme Creme

Item Description

I bought Jack Black's Supreme Shaving creme because I had such a good experience with The Art of Shaving cream sample that I couldn't wait for my next trip to Columbus Circle in NYC to buy some, so I went to a local store and bought this.

Price: Expensive - $22

Quality: I gave it a 7 because I have doubts about whether it shoudl later up better than I could make it.

Scent: None - Fragrance Free

Latherability: I'll give it this, it comes out of the tub thick and and will coat your face, no kidding. What I couldn't figure out is why I couldn't get it to lather up. On my face or in a mug I couldn't get it to change consistency. It either remained in the cream form, which I admit coated well on the first pass, or else it got all loose whether it was form water on my face after a rinse, or if I tried to lather it up in a mug. Perhaps I'm just supposed to slather it on as is? Website says "Activate Supreme Cream by working it to a rich, creamy lather using circular motions." but I can't get it to change consistency. Could be my technique, who knows? AOS Best Badger Brush, by the way.

Efficacy: Could be the cream or it could be me, I'm still a noob. Point is I haven't gotten quite as good a shave form it as I think I have with AOS lavender soap. Sometimes I use a preshave oil, but no difference. I've tried it on two different blades, and will be trying a third brand of blade this weekend.

Moisturizing Properties: I can't tell, really. Website says that it has "Macadamia Nut Oil, Glycerin and Soy, and Jojoba Oil, seaweed and who knows what else for my shaving pleasure.

Packaging. It's a nice tub. I like having it around my bathroom.

Well, I'm going to try it again next week with another blade. Maybe I'm simply supposed to keep slapping it on straight out of the tub, so all those oils and seaweed can do their best work? I dunno, This board has taught me to expect a good shave cream/soap will lather up. I'll keep trying.

Latest reviews

Pros: excellent lubrication
Cons: high price tag
After having found my preferred blade, I've been cycling through many creams and soaps. I was really impressed with the quality of lather as I brushed up my Jack Black. I liked the scent, though it was very faint. I had no grabbing or dragging feel, just a smooth glide over my skin. I finished off with the Jack Black SPF 20 moisturizer (I'm a head shaver) and my wife was very pleased with the effect and smell.
2.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
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Moisturizing Properties
4.00 star(s)
Pros: Fantastic cushion and glide
Cons: Hard to lather
This one is going to the top of my rotation for a while. Got a marvelous shave from it...after I almost got carpal tunnel trying to get it to lather like all my other creams. :) If you work at it and add a touch more water than I'm used to you can get nice "peaky" lather but you've *really* got to work at it.

Anyway, I don't want to dwell on the negative here. This is a fantastic cream and I'm glad I bought it despite the somewhat high price. The cushion and glide are the best I've encountered, on par with my go-to top of the line cushy cream, Trumper's Coconut.

I noticed quite a few other reviews saying it's an unscented cream. I actually found it to have a nice, sharp, clean minty/menthol-y smell but it's certainly more subtle than most creams so it shouldn't bother you if you have a scent sensitivity.

All in all, buy with confidence if you have a chance to pick this up. It's a winner!
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Moisturizing Properties
4.00 star(s)
Pros: None
Cons: Greasy feel, gums up straight razor
The jar i received was a gift. I would NEVER buy this stuff at any price, and I know it's not cheap. ($20-$22) range. According to the label it seems to be for people with skin problems that are sensitive or allergic. Maybe that is the value for some.
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Moisturizing Properties
2.00 star(s)

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0.90 star(s) 30 ratings

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