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Gold Dollar 208

Item Description

This $16 *** which I bought off ebay as a joke, and out of curiosity, just out shaved many of my razors that are worth ten times the price.

*cough* :blink:

Did it come in that condition?

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo............................... It did not.

The craftsmanship is a bit of a joke. The scales are flimsy plastic made to look like carbon fibre, they flex when you hold them. The pins are just a nail, peened on one side. Mine centred OK, but usually they don't.

The main problem though, was that the heal end of the blade was almost 3mm wider than the toe end. Now 3mm doesn't sound like a lot, but in straight razors it might as well be a mile. So much so that the toe 1/3 of the blade was not coming close to making contact with the hone. Not close.

Several hours with a grinder, dremel, digital callipers, black felt tip pen and a 600 DMT later, and we had something resembling a bevel.

Smooth sailing from there, Coticule all the way, and when I went to do a HHT before the CrO, which I normally use as a finisher, I found it popping a 4, easy as that. I just lathered up and shaved away.

I must admit, I was expecting something bad to happen. I'm not sure what. Maybe it might explode or something. But no, easy, effortless shave, BBS result. The edge is still HHT4, and all is well. I'll have to shave with it for a bit longer to see what the edge durability is like, but so far it looks OK.

Would I recommend one to someone else? No, probably not, not unless you are handy and have a lot of experience working on razors. But if you are, and you are up for a challenge, you might end up with a $16 razor that works as well as the uber-hype brands that go for crazy money around here. Worth a shot?
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Pros: Low Cost! Good steal. straight edge.
Cons: Quality Control. Scales are a bit flimsy.
Now to get the first thing out of the way.

This is my first razor. And I enjoy Modifying things.

I like the feel of this blade in my hand after i was done with adding a edge to it (my wife bought me a "Practice" blade from straightrazor.com)

on the down side the team who is selling this has to act as there vendors quality control. that is a bit strange to me.

so as long as you are good with a grinder and a stone or buy it from some one who is then i can fully support this blade.
4.00 star(s)
Lasting Edge
0.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Easy to Sharpen
3.00 star(s)
Easy to Maintain
4.00 star(s)
Shaving Smoothness
4.00 star(s)
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Reactions: Zig the Pirate
This $16 *** which I bought off ebay as a joke, and out of curiosity, just out shaved many of my razors that are worth ten times the price.

*cough* :blink:

Did it come in that condition?

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo............................... It did not.

The craftsmanship is a bit of a joke. The scales are flimsy plastic made to look like carbon fibre, they flex when you hold them. The pins are just a nail, peened on one side. Mine centred OK, but usually they don't.

The main problem though, was that the heal end of the blade was almost 3mm wider than the toe end. Now 3mm doesn't sound like a lot, but in straight razors it might as well be a mile. So much so that the toe 1/3 of the blade was not coming close to making contact with the hone. Not close.

Several hours with a grinder, dremel, digital callipers, black felt tip pen and a 600 DMT later, and we had something resembling a bevel.

Smooth sailing from there, Coticule all the way, and when I went to do a HHT before the CrO, which I normally use as a finisher, I found it popping a 4, easy as that. I just lathered up and shaved away.

I must admit, I was expecting something bad to happen. I'm not sure what. Maybe it might explode or something. But no, easy, effortless shave, BBS result. The edge is still HHT4, and all is well. I'll have to shave with it for a bit longer to see what the edge durability is like, but so far it looks OK.

Would I recommend one to someone else? No, probably not, not unless you are handy and have a lot of experience working on razors. But if you are, and you are up for a challenge, you might end up with a $16 razor that works as well as the uber-hype brands that go for crazy money around here. Worth a shot?
5.00 star(s)
Lasting Edge
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
Easy to Sharpen
4.00 star(s)
Easy to Maintain
4.00 star(s)
Shaving Smoothness
4.00 star(s)
I have a review of the Gold Dollar 208 (2020 model) here:

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1.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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