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Earth Science Shaving Cream

Item Description

When Nicole Sommers from Gents, LLC announced that she was selling men’s shaving products, my curiosity led me to visit her website to learn more about her products.

Nicole is a licensed esthetician, which according to Wiki is,

An esthetician, or aesthetician, specialized in the study of skin care, including facial treatments, waxing as a form of hair removal, and cosmetic make-up service. Some estheticians also offer full body skin treatments and other related service.

With my chronic problems of ingrown hairs and razor burns, I’ve long suspected that what I had been putting on my face was either adding to my problems or at least exacerbating them. Nicole’s product recommendation from her training as an esthetician allows her to anticipate products which might aggravate common shaving ailments and certain skin types.

I wrote to Nicole and described my sensitive skin type, tough beard whiskers and propensity towards razor burns. Nicole wrote back and explained some of her products and offered to send me a small sample of her recommendations.

When the package arrived, included in it was a small sample of the Earth Science shaving cream and a small sample of the intelliGENTS aftershave balm. (Nicole was also kind enough to send a sample of Shea Butter shaving cream which will be reviewed in another post.)

The Earth Science shaving cream
Nicole had advised me that the Earth Science shaving cream would not cream since it was not a soap-based product. And the answer to your next thought is, “Yes. I tried to cream it with my badger brush anyway and no, it does not cream.” The Earth Science cream is a light green color with the consistency similar to Taylor’s cream, but with a slightly lighter whipped, cream volume. The cream will easily hold stiff peaks.

The scent of Earth Science is difficult to equate with any other, so I will give you some general characteristics that roughly describe it. To me, the Earth Science scent is a “green” smell somewhat associated with the scents that you would encounter in a fresh produce market. While being “green”, it is not the floral essences that are associated with the Trumper’s Violet and the Taylor’s Rose. It is more associated with the “green” scents of a vegetable garden. The closest other scent that seems to have the same kind of fragrance properties is the Taylor’s Avocado, something organic, but not quite floral.

I will unconditionally say that this scent is very attractive to me. It has a very light and clean scent without being overly pushy towards the strong, bitter woody scents, while still offering a masculine, earthly smell.

The shave
For my shaving sample trial, I used a Merkur Futur with a new Feather blade. After showering in the morning and then soaking my whiskers for about a minute with a warm towel, I smoothed the Earth Science cream on my face. I then used the badger brush to exfoliate my face and to help work the cream into and around the whiskers. The finish layer was somewhat thin and I could still see my face through the cream.

The Earth Science cream is very moisturizing and I had no trouble gliding and gently guiding the Futur across my stubbly face. I did, however, have to use about three times as much cream as I normally do with my other English creams for the second and third passes.

The clean up required a few splashes of water to wash off.

I ended up with a very smooth and clean shave without any irritation. I finished up the shave with a drop of Trumper’s Rose Skin food which is one of my favorite aftershaves.

Several hours after the shave, I still have a very light scent of the Earth Science cream on my face. In addition, my face is lightly moisturized, but is not sticky.

My face looks good, feels good and smells good.

While some of the wet shavers out there will probably scoff at a product which doesn’t allow them the satisfaction of whipping up a bowl of thick cream with their brush, I would highly recommend that you give the Earth Science cream a try. By applying the cream to the face and then using a brush to help exfoliate the skin and to work the cream into the whiskers, you can obtain a good application and will still enjoy the fragrance just like you would with the other creams in your lineup.

The only complaint that I had about this cream was that even though I used running hot water to rinse and clean out the brush, I still had to disassemble the head off of my Futur in order to clean up some of the remnant cream.

The Earth Science cream is only six dollars for a 4oz tube which is a deal when it comes to high quality wet shaving creams.

You owe it to yourself to try this cream out.


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I bought this product from a local Organic Food store at Nicole's recommendation. I too tried to create a lather with my brush :blush: . Can't help it!

Price: Well priced at $5-$7 depending on where you get it. Lasts for quite a long time.

Quality: Well this is right to the point, isn't it :001_rolle ? Overall, this product shaves quite well. I, too, found that it is kind of difficult to wash off - it is very thick/creamy and seemingly waterproof! It can gum up razors if you use too much - a thin layer should be just fine. I find that it produces clean, smooth, irritation free shaves. And no soap - it does not strip oils from your face. That's all the quality I could ask for!

Scent: Let me just hop over to the bathroom real quick... ... ... This scent is quite unique and kind of hard for me to place. It definitely smells clean and fresh, but a bit sweet - not clean like Williams' Mug soap or anything like that. It is clean, crisp and sweet. Unique. Slightly floral. Quite light. Overall pleasant!

Latherability: I gave it a 10 so as not to throw off the overall rating since there is no N/A available which would have been most appropriate. This is a purely brush-free cream - it does not change consistancy at all! It doesn't matter if you use a brush - you are just smearing it over your face!

Efficacy: This is, in many ways, a down-and-dirty shaving cream. It shaves very fast because there is no brush involved - it takes as long to apply as it does to wet your face with water. It's only downfall is the tendacy to clog razors because of it's consistancy.

Moisturizing Properties: As a non-soap cream, it leaves my skin fresh and smooth. It makes me wish I had softer water in this house, though. But I come from a school of thought where the cream should be so good that you don't need an aftershave. Overall it is better than average but the final moisturization of the face and beard area is not it's strong suit.

Packaging: Wish it was recycleable. A pleasing enough look. I think I might prefer something of this consistancy in a tub rather than a tube - but how much of a difference can one little "e" make? :wink: :001_rolle :lol: I crack myself up!!

This product is definitely a different experience from a market in which most of the products are the same meal with a different package and a new flavor. You owe it to yourself to branch out to it!
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I have also used this product (when I was in my "brushless-phase"), and while it IS pretty slick and provides a good amount of glide, I didn't care for the smell of it and found it tough to wash off after shaving.
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Joedy said:
When Nicole Sommers from Gents, LLC announced that she was selling men’s shaving products, my curiosity led me to visit her website to learn more about her products.

Nicole is a licensed esthetician, which according to Wiki is,

With my chronic problems of ingrown hairs and razor burns, I’ve long suspected that what I had been putting on my face was either adding to my problems or at least exacerbating them. Nicole’s product recommendation from her training as an esthetician allows her to anticipate products which might aggravate common shaving ailments and certain skin types.

I wrote to Nicole and described my sensitive skin type, tough beard whiskers and propensity towards razor burns. Nicole wrote back and explained some of her products and offered to send me a small sample of her recommendations.

When the package arrived, included in it was a small sample of the Earth Science shaving cream and a small sample of the intelliGENTS aftershave balm. (Nicole was also kind enough to send a sample of Shea Butter shaving cream which will be reviewed in another post.)

The Earth Science shaving cream
Nicole had advised me that the Earth Science shaving cream would not cream since it was not a soap-based product. And the answer to your next thought is, “Yes. I tried to cream it with my badger brush anyway and no, it does not cream.” The Earth Science cream is a light green color with the consistency similar to Taylor’s cream, but with a slightly lighter whipped, cream volume. The cream will easily hold stiff peaks.

The scent of Earth Science is difficult to equate with any other, so I will give you some general characteristics that roughly describe it. To me, the Earth Science scent is a “green” smell somewhat associated with the scents that you would encounter in a fresh produce market. While being “green”, it is not the floral essences that are associated with the Trumper’s Violet and the Taylor’s Rose. It is more associated with the “green” scents of a vegetable garden. The closest other scent that seems to have the same kind of fragrance properties is the Taylor’s Avocado, something organic, but not quite floral.

I will unconditionally say that this scent is very attractive to me. It has a very light and clean scent without being overly pushy towards the strong, bitter woody scents, while still offering a masculine, earthly smell.

The shave
For my shaving sample trial, I used a Merkur Futur with a new Feather blade. After showering in the morning and then soaking my whiskers for about a minute with a warm towel, I smoothed the Earth Science cream on my face. I then used the badger brush to exfoliate my face and to help work the cream into and around the whiskers. The finish layer was somewhat thin and I could still see my face through the cream.

The Earth Science cream is very moisturizing and I had no trouble gliding and gently guiding the Futur across my stubbly face. I did, however, have to use about three times as much cream as I normally do with my other English creams for the second and third passes.

The clean up required a few splashes of water to wash off.

I ended up with a very smooth and clean shave without any irritation. I finished up the shave with a drop of Trumper’s Rose Skin food which is one of my favorite aftershaves.

Several hours after the shave, I still have a very light scent of the Earth Science cream on my face. In addition, my face is lightly moisturized, but is not sticky.

My face looks good, feels good and smells good.

While some of the wet shavers out there will probably scoff at a product which doesn’t allow them the satisfaction of whipping up a bowl of thick cream with their brush, I would highly recommend that you give the Earth Science cream a try. By applying the cream to the face and then using a brush to help exfoliate the skin and to work the cream into the whiskers, you can obtain a good application and will still enjoy the fragrance just like you would with the other creams in your lineup.

The only complaint that I had about this cream was that even though I used running hot water to rinse and clean out the brush, I still had to disassemble the head off of my Futur in order to clean up some of the remnant cream.

The Earth Science cream is only six dollars for a 4oz tube which is a deal when it comes to high quality wet shaving creams.

You owe it to yourself to try this cream out.


Great review. Nicole is sending me a sample pack of this and several other items. She is a terrific gal and very helpful. The products I've tried have been very nice, although making the switch from using my lathering creams has been difficult, indeed! I just think of all the money I've spent and it's hard to not use them, huh, gang?

Just whatever..........
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