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Derby Unscented

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This is the first cream I've tried, coming off shave soaps. And not very good soaps either - Williams and Classic. Both worked, but I was looking for something more comfortable. I'm just getting back to DE shaving so I'm sort of bashing around trying things out.

The Derby of course comes in a plain box and plastic tube. There seems to be a lot of cream in the tube and for a very reasonable price. I chose unscented because my skin is very sensitive and I have to be careful what I apply to it. Menthol for one thing is an utter disaster for me.

This morning I picked up my brush and the tube of Derby after climbing out of the shower. I heated the brush in some hot water, put an inch of Derby in my hand and whipped up an instant, awesome thick and smooth lather. The tube says unscented, but there is a definite scent to the stuff. Very mild and slightly medicinal. Not unpleasant at all.

I applied it to my face and went to work with the Merkur Barberpole, loaded with a Crystal blade that had two shaves on it. Wow. Smooth and comfortable. Going back after that against the grain stuff was a snap with a light application of what remained on the brush - which was a lot! I could have lathered several more times, and I'll have to be more sparing of the amount I use.

No nicks or weepers, but then for whatever reason I have yet to have either. Which is odd because I have been using twin blades and up to the latest 5 blade monsters for many years. They have all nailed me at some time or another. Not so with the Merkur, plus I get a better shave. Go figure.

Afterwards my skin feels a bit tight. That's normal for me, and I avoid anything that moisturizes. Anything that stays on my skin is for me just asking for trouble and the fact that the Derby wiped right off is a huge plus for me. YMMV and you might want to use an aftershave if you can tolerate it.

Now I need to try a scented version. Perhaps the lemon?

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Had this free when i bought derby blades from the gentlemans shop so i cant complain and i would not turn it down again or not buy it if the price was right, not to much scent and the leather was a bit flat but it did the job but not a luxury cream.
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3.00 star(s)
Check out the TOBS creams; they come in several flavours. I like their avocado cream very much. It's kinda oily but doesn't stick to your face; it makes the blade run vey smoothly indeed.
This is the first cream I've tried, coming off shave soaps. And not very good soaps either - Williams and Classic. Both worked, but I was looking for something more comfortable. I'm just getting back to DE shaving so I'm sort of bashing around trying things out.

The Derby of course comes in a plain box and plastic tube. There seems to be a lot of cream in the tube and for a very reasonable price. I chose unscented because my skin is very sensitive and I have to be careful what I apply to it. Menthol for one thing is an utter disaster for me.

This morning I picked up my brush and the tube of Derby after climbing out of the shower. I heated the brush in some hot water, put an inch of Derby in my hand and whipped up an instant, awesome thick and smooth lather. The tube says unscented, but there is a definite scent to the stuff. Very mild and slightly medicinal. Not unpleasant at all.

I applied it to my face and went to work with the Merkur Barberpole, loaded with a Crystal blade that had two shaves on it. Wow. Smooth and comfortable. Going back after that against the grain stuff was a snap with a light application of what remained on the brush - which was a lot! I could have lathered several more times, and I'll have to be more sparing of the amount I use.

No nicks or weepers, but then for whatever reason I have yet to have either. Which is odd because I have been using twin blades and up to the latest 5 blade monsters for many years. They have all nailed me at some time or another. Not so with the Merkur, plus I get a better shave. Go figure.

Afterwards my skin feels a bit tight. That's normal for me, and I avoid anything that moisturizes. Anything that stays on my skin is for me just asking for trouble and the fact that the Derby wiped right off is a huge plus for me. YMMV and you might want to use an aftershave if you can tolerate it.

Now I need to try a scented version. Perhaps the lemon?
5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)

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