Items by TorzJohnson

1.17 star(s) 6 ratings
I wanted this razor for a long time, but all of the reviews I've seen said it was too mild. Well, I decided to risk it and picked one up last summer. I have been using this razor couple of times a week since July, so I feel that I have given it a fair shake. That being said, I will probably retire it soon (read on to see why!) I'm happy to say that I find it to be less mild than others seem to. Definitely more aggressive than a Tech, and you can get a good shave out of it. The balance is...
2.00 star(s) 2 ratings
I'd never heard of this cream before, and when an opportunity to receive a sample arose, I decided to try it. Well, I have used this a couple of times now and I'm actually rather pleased with the results. The scent is subtle and fairly pleasant, but not minty in any way. It's what I would call a "green" smell and while it is noticeable, it is not strong. This is a positive thing for me, because if I can't have a "knock your socks off" fantastic smell, then an inoffensive, pleasant light...
1.00 star(s) 4 ratings
I got this razor about 3 months ago, and after using it in rotation for that long I believe I can now make a proper review of it. At first glance, it is a nice-looking razor that is very price-competitive with some of the other high end razors out there. One thing I like is the metal pommel at the end of the handle, which I don't see on competitors such as Edwin Jagger razors. Upon closer inspection, you start to notice that all is not quite as perfect as it seemed. In this case, the...
I've only had one other Benchmade, an 806D2 with Axis lock, and it was a nicely designed knife that was ruined by some rather lackadaisical grind-lines. I wasn't sure if it was a Friday afternoon knife or what, but I never thought much more about Benchmades after that, because there were always good factory knives available from Spyderco, and I was mainly getting custom fixed blades at that time anyway. Well, over the years I bought a lot of small fixed blades, always looking for...
I've seen this product for quite some time and never bothered to order it since many vendors who sell it describe it as "a fragrance similar to Aqua Velva", and I've got plenty of Aqua Velva on hand. I can't blame them too much, if they're too lazy to open a bottle and smell it then the blue coloring could remind them of Aqua Velva. However, I did read a description somewhere else that indicated that it actually was a spice-type fragrance, as it's name implies. I became interested and...
0.63 star(s) 16 ratings
This is the first T&H cream I've ever tried. I chose the Grafton based solely on the descriptions provided by the T&H site and vendor's sites: "Conjures up images of fireside chats regarding important matters and romantic encounters at black tie affairs." Hey, that's for me! :w00t: But, all hyperbole aside, this is the description that appealed to me: "Grafton has a fresh herbaceous opening combined with a spicy floral heart, leading onto a rich, woody, amber background with a hint of...
I have a style 3 size 1 in super silvertip, and it's such a nice little brush that I could easily have continued using it without ever needing another new brush. But as SBAD sunk its talons into me, I started wondering what a slightly larger Rooney would be like. I found myself casting flirtatious glances at the classic shape of the style 1's handle. I quickly broke down and ordered the Style 1 size 2 with ebony handle. I really like the slick look, but this color requires it to be wiped...
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