Items by huntmol

Purchased this blade about three months ago from Rasurpur. Martin provides great customer service. I sent him quite a few emails, and he was always very polite, answering all of my questions and more. The razor gives a great, very smooth shave. Behaves in all the ways that a proper full hollow should. Doesn't "sing" as much as vintage extra hollows, but provides good feedback and shaves just as well as an old W&B or Friodur. The razor is made of Carbonsong C135 steel, named because...
Really really incredible soap. Price is right for what you get, and comes in a very quality screw-top container. Smells nicely of lavender - I'm not quite sure what anise is... Actually it smells very much like the Truefitt & Hill Luxury Shaving Soap, which is a good thing, in my opinion. Makes tons of great lather quickly, and is very slick. QED makes probably the best glycerine soap out there.
Price I bought mine at Vintage Blades for $214.99. Pretty pricey, and although I believe a brush of this caliber is worth it, other might not agree with me. Quality Great quality, some people knock Vulfix, but I think they've really stepped up their game, and make some incredible brushes. The handle and knot are both obviously very well made. I took off two points, because a few people have reported shedding issues and quality control issues with these new Two-band brushes. Luckily...
After some encouragement, I have decided to turn my original post into a review. It's my first one, so here goes! Shavemac Genine Horn Brushes Both have a 21mm knot & 50mm loft Since this is basically a review of two brushes, I am not including a rating, but if I had to rate each brush, the Silvertip would be a 9.0/10.0, and the D01 would be a 9.8/10.0 Price: These brushes are excellent value for money. The Silvertip was $130, and the D01 was $150. While pricey, compared to the...
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