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Damn Comfortable Shave

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
"No time soon?" That's booty chatter! :ciappa: Don't be scared!

Excellent work cleaning it up!


I'm in the middle of a Fixed Four with the SS Colonial General until Christmas. Then, I hope to get an SE2 (from Santa), and use it exclusively in an effort to determine if I want to keep it, or trade it in for another ATT razor.

So, I'm locked in for a while. But, I have plenty of razors to keep me busy trying them for a good while if I decide I want to. Or, maybe I'll just stick with the SE2.

Happy shaves,


I'm in the middle of a Fixed Four with the SS Colonial General until Christmas. Then, I hope to get an SE2 (from Santa), and use it exclusively in an effort to determine if I want to keep it, or trade it in for another ATT razor.

So, I'm locked in for a while. But, I have plenty of razors to keep me busy trying them for a good while if I decide I want to. Or, maybe I'll just stick with the SE2.

Happy shaves,


The SE2 and General will be like night and day! I don't have an issue using the SE2, but I get BBS results from the SE1, as long as I do my part... The SE2 is definitely not a daily razor for me.

The MMOC is nothing to fear if wielded properly...

Raven Koenes

My precious!
My fixed four is going great. Just completed day four on my fresh Bolzano blade, and day 14 of my fixed four for the month of December. I'm loving my Fatip Brush, so much so that I now truly understand the meaning of The Who song Magic Brush.

The Who purveyors of good grooming and eats since 1965:

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Fixed Four. Usual kit. Witch hazel. Usual shave. BBS face. DFS neck.


A day without shaving was not long enough to help with beard mapping.

Happy shaves,



I didnt know
At Pontiac, thats cool.

I never saw them, but I've been to many concerts and usually one or two of us would smuggle a camera in.

See below from Rush - Moving Pictures and Ted Nugent and Neil Young.

Rush, Moving Pictures, June 26th 1981 Northlands Coliseum, Edmonton.JPG Rush, Moving Pictures, June 26th 1981 Northlands Coliseum, Edmonton_02.JPG Ted Nugent, Alberta World Rock Festival, August 3rd 1981 Commonwealth Stadium Edmonton.JPG Neil Young, Regina, September 1984.JPG

He had those two Rush pictures blown up poster size, framed and hung on a wall.

My first concert was Nazareth in 1976, I was 10 lol. Then Van Halen in 1977 or 78. My ears rang for 3 days after that one!

My cousins husband won the contest to name for the Toronto Skydome and won lifetime passes to every event held there until they changed the name. I went to see Pink Floyd there twice, what a show...

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
The GEM MMOC is coming up really well. Brass is so much easier to work with than stainless isnt it? lol


This photo really captures the shine on my GEM MMOC!

Yeah, brass is a lot softer than stainless steel. It is, however, not too soft. I spent a pretty long time getting rid of a spot on the back inside corner of the top of the base plate (if a GEM has a base plate). It took a lot of sanding with the 2000 grit wet-dry sandpaper under running water. I didn't want to hit it with a more aggressive grit though, and I wasn't concerned about ruining it with the 2000. Ten minutes or so was not a biggie time-wise.

I like the brass. It looks great. It was sorta fun to fix the razor up.

There are still a couple of little spots I think I can improve with focused attention, the brass brush, rags, Flitz, and elbow grease.

You told me the razor was going to end up being very nice, and you were precisely correct, my friend.

Hey, where's my ultrasonic cleaner? I need to get the stuff I can't see!

Also, I will use Barbicide pretty soon. I am not going to shave with it for a good while, but it might as well be shave-ready. Had I an autoclave that would be even better.

Now I'm looking for a similar Clog Pruf - brass, inexpensive, crummy looking, in great shape besides the cosmetics. I've got a bad case of RRD.


Be careful around me. It's catching.

Happy shaves,



I didnt know
Be careful around me. It's catching.

I havent even told you that you can seal the finish once you have it where you want it to stop any future patina forming, if you choose too anyway, not mention imparting different colours to brass, including blue or green :)

Theres pride involved in working on pieces like that. They take time, work and as I said, a passion. It all shows in the finished work.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
I havent even told you that you can seal the finish once you have it where you want it to stop any future patina forming, if you choose too anyway, not mention imparting different colours to brass, including blue or green :)

Theres pride involved in working on pieces like that. They take time, work and as I said, a passion. It all shows in the finished work.

Do I want to do any of that? Not sure.

Am sure I want to hear about how to do those things.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
My December to Remember Fixed Four ends on Christmas, but I'm making the most of the last few day.


My shave was somewhat hurried because of last minute schedule changes, but it was an okay shave.

BBS face. DFS neck. No itching. No discomfort. I would prefer a much better neck shave, but it's not happening with this razor without more passes and more touch up than I had time for today.

I used witch hazel right after shaving, and a styptic pencil for the one tiny bleeder.


Later, I splashed on some Old Spice. This particular glass bottle of Old Spice was ordered from India via an ebay vendor. It is far better than the Old Spice in drugstores these days. I'm not sure I like it as much as Avon Brisk Spice which is also available from ebay vendors as NOS or used (opened) bottles.

Later, I also applied a little Geo. F. Trumper Skin Food. My skin is feeling a bit dry today. I need some hand cream also, and wish I had shea butter here at the office. I'll get some for the office on my next Walmart trip.

This Fixed Four continues to be a very useful, helpful, interesting, and fun experiment.

Happy shaves,


Raven Koenes

My precious!
My December to Remember Fixed Four ends on Christmas, but I'm making the most of the last few day.

View attachment 846230

My shave was somewhat hurried because of last minute schedule changes, but it was an okay shave.

BBS face. DFS neck. No itching. No discomfort. I would prefer a much better neck shave, but it's not happening with this razor without more passes and more touch up than I had time for today.

I used witch hazel right after shaving, and a styptic pencil for the one tiny bleeder.

View attachment 846237

Later, I splashed on some Old Spice. This particular glass bottle of Old Spice was ordered from India via an ebay vendor. It is far better than the Old Spice in drugstores these days. I'm not sure I like it as much as Avon Brisk Spice which is also available from ebay vendors as NOS or used (opened) bottles.

Later, I also applied a little Geo. F. Trumper Skin Food. My skin is feeling a bit dry today. I need some hand cream also, and wish I had shea butter here at the office. I'll get some for the office on my next Walmart trip.

This Fixed Four continues to be a very useful, helpful, interesting, and fun experiment.

Happy shaves,

Well done Jim! I've been following your progress with anticipation for every report.


I didnt know
Do I want to do any of that? Not sure.

Am sure I want to hear about how to do those things.

Imparting colour to brass can be a complex process involving various noxious chemicals, a timed vapor bath. It was brought to the forefront by people that vape and wanted custom and unique designs on their vape tubes.

Blue and green shades are imparted by an ammonia vapor bath and the piece being sprinkled with salt and allowed to soak in that vapor bath for as long as 24 hours or even more.


Sealing is done after with a lacquer finish, but can also be used to protect bare brass, or other metals, from forming a patina.

How to seal copper or brass to prevent tarnish and corrosion

If you know anyone that works with stained glass, they have the know how. Stained glass artists use lead and solder between the pieces. They can colour that lead work and the products they use have a similar effect on brass, but take longer as brass is harder and less porous.

Your MMOC appears to be yellow brass which forms a patina much slower than red brass and doesnt seem to turn black like red brass can. What I've found with the yellow brass of my NEW SC is, it starts to dull and lose its shine. Thats easily, and quickly, restored with a light polish. To polish the grooves in the handle and between the teeth of the comb, use a toothbrush and give it a scrub with polishing compound, then after scrub with soap, hot water and a toothbrush and it will be back to where it was.

When I was using my NEW SC all the time, it got cleaned and polished once a week or so to keep it shiny. Red brass needs to be wiped off and dried after use so the black patina doesnt form. My Regent is the same. A mix of bare red and yellow brass.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Great information, Mike @Esox, including the linked material. I have no idea what I'll end up doing, but now I know how to do whatever I decide to do.

I'm leaning towards doing nothing, and just polishing when I feel like it. If my razor was originally brass without any plating it certainly hadn't gotten terribly tarnished over the decades. Obviously, I have no idea whether it has been cleaned, refinished, or left alone in a bottom drawer. Maybe it was a sealed up new-in-box razor until six months ago when it was taken on safari by an elephant hunter who was eaten by lions while loading her gun. Her estate sold the razor to me. Hey, that makes a good story.

It is about as certain as I am about what I'll do with the razor now other than work on its finish a bit more.


Happy shaves,

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