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Southeast US meetup-let's do it!

What is LOTH?

glad you enjoyed it. Wedges have an odd feel to them you may not enjoy.

Did you try the straight yet?

What was that cologne you had? I want to try and find some.

I found a coiple more sheets of lapping film. It's yours. I have your address.
Lets give it up to the gents for doughnuts, pizza, drinks and stirling soaps.
Pastor Billy had a great time. It wasn't his plan to stay but curiosity got the best of him. He and I go back several years. He said it was amazing how complete strangers can come together and have such comradere.
What is LOTH?

glad you enjoyed it. Wedges have an odd feel to them you may not enjoy.

Did you try the straight yet?

What was that cologne you had? I want to try and find some.

I found a coiple more sheets of lapping film. It's yours. I have your address.

LOTH-Lady Of The House. Neither of us are that good at obeying so SWMBO doesn't work.

Didn't try the straight yet. It was going to use it today but got busy and want to take my time.

The cologne is BOLDOOT. It is a similar bottle to 4711 but Italian Barber doesn't sell it like someone suggested. Ebay is the only place I've seen it.


Thanks in advance for the lapping film!
Haha. He's going to have his congregation straight shaving. I don't go there. Don't go anywhere really.

He's not familiar with the forums and wet shaving so for him to witness it firsthand was a delight to him. I must agree. Outside looking in its amazing to witness.
Next time I hopefully won't have a migraine coming on and will be more organized.

Now I must enter some speed shaving challenges.

Only 1 person got cut!! Me!!! On your $3 razor. (I will give you $5). Hehe.
Need a drop of oil or work that thing looser.

Don't forget. Put some glue on those scales.
I hate the swmbo thing. My wife is my partner. My equal. My best friend. Not my ruler or commander. I know it's in jest. Just that's me. I thought lady of the hour. Haha. Whoops.
Sorry to hear that Chuck but I'm glad you all made it home ok.

Rick, would never have known you were getting a migraine, you did an awesome job preparing and presenting the meet up. If it happens again at our next meet up let me know, I might be able to help get rid of it.

Oh, and RAD has set in. Found some straights for sale on BST this morning and with Ricks advice picked up 4 of them. They will be finding their way to Rick's in the near future. :biggrin1:
I've had one for about 4 days. Wasn't too too bad then. Was earlier today. Too many narcs now I'm nauseated. Time for the blacklist.
Ok, here's a pic of the sweet stuff I got at the meet up. A Stropman leather strop with 4 different compounds, nice samples of Captain's Choice AS, a nice Vetiver soap from Straight Razor Design, a sample of Truefitt & Hill shaving cream, and my first straight razor and alum block from Rick. :001_smile Thank you again to all the vendors, you have great products.


I got to use the strop last night on some knives I was sharpening last night and wow, what a difference it makes. I stropped my straight this morning and that worked out nice too. And the alum block, sweet! What a nice feel.
Ric, not to worry about the postage money return.

And, Billy was right...I certainly enjoyed you guys, one and all. Thanks for a great day.
I wish I could have made it. I was running a Project Appleseed shoot in Gaston, SC. Otherwise I would have been there. I like to talk it up with other shave nerds.
First run with the straight and the Opus X today. I sure do miss that soft water in Savannah! The Opus X wanted to explode with lather but just couldn't quite get there. I think I'll try heating up some distilled water next time.

I took it slow and easy with the straight. Stropped beforehand. No nicks, cuts or weepers but not a smooth shave. Seemed to pull a lot. Just like starting with the DE, I'm going to chalk that up to a lack of technique and experience and keep working at it.
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