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1902 Damaskeene

Good mail day today.

I have been reading/searching all things SE the last few weeks, but can't quite find something definitive on this razor.

Hoping some of the SE experts can tell me about this razor; plan on shaving it with it this afternoon!
I don't know if that 1902 is a serial number or what but the damaskeene is a 1912 model, patented in 1912.

That was the impression I had reading through the SE threads.

So I am puzzled by the Damaskeene "plug" on a razor head with a 1902 patd. mark.
That's a misprint, but very cool! In 1902 they were making and selling the lather catcher style razors. The 1912 was still just a gleam in some ASR employees eyes in 1902.

It doesn't even have a 1 does it, just 902. Or am I not seeing it?
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Wow! I love those old blades. Very nice set.

Thanks, my shave quality one is in excellent shape it just has some brassing going on. I have 3 of those and and ever ready LC and 2 1900 Kampfe Bros star LCs.:thumbup: One of my Star razors is on the shelf in it's tin.
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That's a misprint, but very cool! In 1902 they were making and selling the lather catcher style razors. The 1912 was still just a gleam in some ASR employees eyes in 1902.

It doesn't even have a 1 does it, just 902. Or am I not seeing it?

Although can't tell from my pic, there is a "1" in front of the 9. In fact the 1902 typeset, especially the "2", does not look the the 1912 typset on my 1912.

So...what is this razor again. ? :confused1
There's no doubt it's a 1912 Damaskeene. They were the early models that advertised the Damaskeene blades, which was later dropped and replaced by the GEM, Star or Ever-Ready name instead. My GUESS would be that human error or an equipment malfunction resulted in a stamping error on yours and probably several others before someone caught it.

I don't know how else it can be explained since that style wasn't even around in 1902.

Edited to add that I just looked at my Damaskeene and the 1 is a lot smaller than the 9, I see it in your picture now. The 2 on mine is not the same as yours, it's like the ones on the 192's I have.
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ooooh so pretty! and you can shave with them! I love turn of the century stuff they made everything so pretty back then, so much detail.
Well then, that is pretty cool.

I notice that between the two "1912's" in today's mail, the Damaskeene has a curved "cover" or "door", and the other one has a flat cover.

Also, as you can see in the pics, the Damaskeene has the Gem Safety Razor Corp, New York, USA. My other 1912 simply has the word Gem in that spot.

What accounts for those differences?
Well then, that is pretty cool.

I notice that between the two "1912's" in today's mail, the Damaskeene has a curved "cover" or "door", and the other one has a flat cover.

Also, as you can see in the pics, the Damaskeene has the Gem Safety Razor Corp, New York, USA. My other 1912 simply has the word Gem in that spot.

What accounts for those differences?

The Damskeene is noted for the slightly rounded door, which a lot of us believe makes it shave just a bit better/different than the "standard" 1912 which has the flat door. ASR began producing the 1912 under the Gem, Ever-ready and Star brand names, the razors were virtually identical except for the name on them. It probably became simpler to just stamp the name without the address.

I have a couple that don't have anything stamped on the back, and some will have the word Junior under the Gem name. I can't find any difference between the Junior models and the non-Juniors except for a slight difference in the tab that you open the door with, and even that isn't always the case. There's not a lot of good records from ASR available so a lot is just guesswork.
Thanks for all the info. I have really learned alot from all your SE posts. :thumbup1:

I just shaved with the Damaskeene, Walgreen Gem, Palmolive EU cream.

What a racket!!! The noise of this razor at work is a bit startling. I took my time; first pass was North South over both face and neck. Then East West across both face and neck. Had a little trouble getting in tight at the base of my nose, so just did some 45 degree passes. Finally, did a little ATG on neck and cheeks.

Was not the closest shave ever, but definitely the one of the most comfortable. No blood, no irritation (post-alum stingless). I judge it not BBS, maybe DFS, but definitely CCS.

I look forward to gaining skill and confidence with this razor. I liked how it felt in my hand - thanks Mr Guy - and how landing the correct angle really spoke to me.
Thanks for all the info. I have really learned alot from all your SE posts. :thumbup1:
I just shaved with the Damaskeene, Walgreen Gem, Palmolive EU cream.

What a racket!!! The noise of this razor at work is a bit startling. I took my time; first pass was North South over both face and neck. Then East West across both face and neck. Had a little trouble getting in tight at the base of my nose, so just did some 45 degree passes. Finally, did a little ATG on neck and cheeks.

Was not the closest shave ever, but definitely the one of the most comfortable. No blood, no irritation (post-alum stingless). I judge it not BBS, maybe DFS, but definitely CCS.

I look forward to gaining skill and confidence with this razor. I liked how it felt in my hand - thanks Mr Guy - and how landing the correct angle really spoke to me.

I still have to ask myself why such fine razors took a backseat to Gillette. KG must have been a marketing genius.
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