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A really dumb question - hats in the office?


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The only people that should be wearing hats indoors are chefs and builders.
I'm pretty sure this guy is neither and if I ran into him, I'd thank him for his service, shake his hand and buy him lunch.



Staff member
My hat always comes off in-doors if a lady is present. I never wear a hat at the table. I can still hear my Mother chewing out my sisters boyfriend for sitting down at the dinner table with a ball cap on.
I worked with a bunch of hardcore cowboys for a while, and they ALWAYS had their hat on, although almost all their working day was outdoors.

The only exception to that was at the dinner table. I remember getting a bite to eat with one guy one night after work and I was like, "Mate, I've known you six months, I didn't know you were bald". The tan line across the forehead was pretty funny as well.
I'm of the "hats shouldn't be worn indoors" crowd, but I can make an exception for a baseball cap.

That said, if the OP wants to wear a hat indoors at his job, that's up to him and his boss/company. If he wants an US-made hat, unless I'm mistaken, Kangol makes some hats in the US (and also in England). Some of the flat caps sold by Kangol should fit the bill.
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Slays On Fleek - For Rizz
If you're thinking of a hat because your noggin gets cold, just sport a watch cap.

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Phil, is a watch cap the same as a beanie or knit hat?
Just ordered this Virgin Wool Driver Cap from Stetson. Can’t wait to wear it indoors every single day of the rest of my existence on this earth. Mawhahaha!

View attachment 1399540View attachment 1399541

That will go with those Mocs you got nicely. And maybe a smoking jacket. And a fat cigar! Yeah! That's the ticket.
Just ordered this Virgin Wool Driver Cap from Stetson. Can’t wait to wear it indoors every single day of the rest of my existence on this earth. Mawhahaha!

View attachment 1399540View attachment 1399541

Go ahead and be that way :biggrin1: but when you don't get that raise...

Oh, and if you post a picture wearing it inside then the Moderators will need to be notified of such a transgression! :nono:

Waitaminute... you ARE a moderator - harumph!

Honestly, that is one cool looking cap. My prediction is that you will get compliments on it. You may as well get a different one for each day of the week, that would be a nice touch.


Staff member
While your boss might be rocking the hat inside, have the folks from head office visited? Did they have a hat on?

If so, have at it. If not, your boss might be called “hat guy” in meetings.


Needs milk and a bidet!
While your boss might be rocking the hat inside, have the folks from head office visited? Did they have a hat on?

If so, have at it. If not, your boss might be called “hat guy” in meetings.

No one visits other departments. Are you crazy? COVID man!! :lol:

He actually took me and the new guy over to the “annex” as it’s called, where all the big shots work to meet everyone. We sat with the CEO for 10 min or so then walked through the halls (social distancing of course) to wave and greet folks in their office. All with hats on.

Like I said - it’s 2022, no one cares but guys on B&B apparently.


Staff member
No one visits other departments. Are you crazy? COVID man!! :lol:

He actually took me and the new guy over to the “annex” as it’s called, where all the big shots work to meet everyone. We sat with the CEO for 10 min or so then walked through the halls (social distancing of course) to wave and greet folks in their office. All with hats on.

Like I said - it’s 2022, no one cares but guys on B&B apparently.
You might be confusing the date with the region. Anyway, it seems like you are safe with whatever hat you choose. Wear what you like best, and it sounds like you are fine.
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I'd wear a ball cap with the company logo and make the owner happy. However, a great option would be a crushable Panama hat. They go with anything and are very light weight and comfortable, plus will keep your dome protected.
Looks like you found yourself a nice hat. If you enjoy it, I'd certainly consider getting a couple other options so you can rotate them through the wash. Careful though, you may find yourself trying to match specific hats to outfits... :)

RE hats at lunch - I think one issue is that there typically is not a place to put ones hat when you go indoors. That basically leaves your head as the only place to keep it.

BUT, back on topic, as long as the hat does not bother your fellow employees or cause any safety issues, then wear happily.


My elbows leak
Staff member
At some point in human history, no one wore hats at all.
Some ancient ancestor decided to put something on his head - as decoration, to help stay warm, who knows why - but a trend was born.
In the middle ages, knights removed their helmets so as to be identified, and show trust in their host, and the tradition of removing hats for etiquette was started.
That evolved and was in its heyday during the "every decent man wears a hat" period. Every decent man knew what hat etiquette was, and what needed to be done.
Hats began to fall out of favor and by the 60's, almost no one wore a hat as a fashion item.
These days, except for people who wear hats as part of a uniform item, and members of B&B who frequent the Haberdashery, almost no one has any idea that there even IS hat etiquette, let alone what it is.
Fashion, habits and etiquette change over time - nothing stays the same forever.
In the middle ages, the color purple was forbidden to the common man, in the late 1800's Dress code aficionados would have frowned upon anyone in a formal setting who wasn't appropriately attired in waistcoats and top hat.
Not long ago, people would have been appalled to see someone whose belt didn't match their shoes, or someone who wore white after labor day, or a woman whose dress was cut above the knee.
There's nothing wrong with harkening back to days of yore if that is something that appeals to you, but acceptable fashion rules change, ball caps and other casual hats are just a part of that.
Yep, what Phil said above here.

When fresh out of school I worked for EDS which was Ross Perot's company. I joined and they had just changed the dress code for men - now you could have a mustache. Nobody did, but you could. Dress code was very strict and this fostered an amazing sense of being on the same team. Nothing was actually written down, it was just understood - this is what EDS is. A dark colored suit every day with white shirt and any type of tie you like - that was pretty much your choice, a tie. Suit coats were off while at your desk and in the office. But if you left, you would always put on your suit coat and this was in Dallas known for having hot summers. We all loved it - part of being on the team. A football team all wear the same uniform but each has his own number, same deal.

Then we acquired a small company and absorbed them into our division. First day those who were acquired reported for work was... eye opening. One guy had a leisure suit (remember those??) that was light green. Another guy wore a blue shirt instead of white. Let's just say that after one week the new fellows had a different wardrobe. Never saw a sport coat in my years there, not one. Lunch at the company cafeteria was remarkable. Mostly guys in dark suits, white shirts, conservative ties and a sprinkling of ladies in dresses. It would never cross your mind to go to lunch and leave your suit coat at your desk. I loved every minute of it for the sense of camaraderie that prevailed.

Today, wearing a cap is part of being on the team - it is a new day, long may it live!
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I think I am with Tony Soprano on this. I suppose I would consider it okay for someone to wearing a cap anywhere where wearing a tank top and gym shorts was appropriate.

I would have to see some citation to published etiquette authority for the proposition that the etiquette on wearing a hat indoors has changed so drastically so that now it is not gauche to wear a hat indoors anywhere and everywhere. At the office, I do think it is a fair thing to say that one should dress for the position that want to have. Thus, dress like one's superiors. There is a Ms. Manners quote that I could not find that says something like an office dress code should be something like "Everyone who would like to advance at this company should dress appropriately. Everyone else go ahead and wear whatever you like." And as John Mallory said "If you do not dress appropriately, people are not going to think you know how you should dress and have simply chosen to dress otherwise. They will assume that you do not know how to dress."

So folks can wear whatever they want. Frankly I do not have strong feelings about what the rule of etiquette should or should not be, and I am not easily offended or particularly judgmental. But judging from the posts in this thread, and my general impression otherwise, wearing a hat inside in lots of situations is likely to be perceived as gauche, and not au courant, by any number of people. Just my two cents.
Out and about I usually go with a plain gray ball cap. No logos, words, etc. If I'm going to Wal Mart, hardware store, or Taco Bell it's staying on. Anywhere else it stays in the car and it's definitely off at the dinner table. I have a fedora for when I'm wearing a suit in the winter. I've been meaning to get a decent flat cap.

The funny thing is I resisted wearing a hat for a decades. As a kid in this area only two types of hats were worn. Ball caps where worn by the low class red necks and flat hats where worn by old men. Any one with a cowboy hat was an idiot poser and derided by all lol.


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Thanks to this thread, I learnt a new word....Gauge. :thumbsup:

As for hats, I'll still wear mine indoors when and where I want, so long as I don't knowingly offend anyone I'm with or being hosted by.
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