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Modern Williams formula Question?

It may sound silly but i’m Asking myself that question now for about few weeks now?
Did Combe change the formula of modern to the original version!
It’s been a while now that I use my modern pucks just like the vintage one, and to my surprise i’ve Got the same results whit both. For a while I would soak and bloom my puck of modern to get good results. I can tell you now that I don’t do it anymore and the results are just fabulous. Just a fairly wet brush works the very best. I could be wrong and maybe it’s just luck for me that it works so good for me, let me know what you guys experience it. Gino
I've never tried the Vintage, but I get great results from the Modern. If someone put a gun to my head and told me I could only use one soap for the rest of my life, it would be Williams.

I think a lot of it has to do with a combination of technique and water quality. I'm pretty sure if I had some really hard water I wouldn't get such good results from the Williams.
The most noticeable (visible) change between the vintage formula and the modern is the position of tallow on the ingredients list. On the modern it's second.
I don't have any problems with Williams soap. It just needs to be treated like a hard puck not a soft croap. However, I think brush type has a bit to do with it. Normally I use longer bristle barber style brushes and keep the puck in a mug where it is at home. This one is a Certifyd #5
I've had good luck face lathering modern Williams with my Omega 10049 boar. The brush is huge, and stiff, yet soft. I just load the brush good, wet my face and spread what's on the brush around on my face pretty evenly, then dip the tips into the water and start working it. I usually have to dip the tips about 3 times, and I have enough lather for 2 or 3 passes.
I can definitely tell the different between modern Williams and vintage. With the vintage Williams, the lather just appears as if by magic, no matter what brush I use. The modern works best with my boar, and the right technique.

I use a Betty Crocker icing lid on my Old Spice mug where I keep my Williams, just to keep it from drying out.


Goose Poop Connoisseur
It may sound silly but i’m Asking myself that question now for about few weeks now?
Did Combe change the formula of modern to the original version!
It’s been a while now that I use my modern pucks just like the vintage one, and to my surprise i’ve Got the same results whit both. For a while I would soak and bloom my puck of modern to get good results. I can tell you now that I don’t do it anymore and the results are just fabulous. Just a fairly wet brush works the very best. I could be wrong and maybe it’s just luck for me that it works so good for me, let me know what you guys experience it. Gino
I’ve used Williams off and on since 1964 and never any appreciable difference. I really don’t buy into the vintage thing at all. It is a simple, basic shave soap with excellent slickness - never great but always good.
I've never tried the Vintage, but I get great results from the Modern. If someone put a gun to my head and told me I could only use one soap for the rest of my life, it would be Williams.


Well . . . maybe a tie between Williams, Arko, and Palmolive.
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