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Wanted: Canadians For Passaround

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Staff member
Looking for some Canadians to participate in northern leg of PIF vs. Passaround. To qualify for this exciting opportunity, applicants must be,

1. Open to a sharing relationship.
2. Residing east of Alaska, north of Montana, west of Greenland, and south of Santa.
3. Willing to use various shave related items, i.e. razors, a/s, soaps, creams.
4. Willing to report to the brethren about the quality of each item.
5. Responsible enough to send the box to the next willing recipient.

If you would like to see the original Passaround and rules, visit this link! http://www.badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=362970

Quit lurking, start contributing! Join today!
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Staff member
1. Roderick
2. doomaise
3. Nick_O
4. Winchester38

Welcome aboard Winchester! The Canadian box will be seeded from 3 boxes currently going around North America. The Canadian box should be seeded and on it's way to Roderick within 8 weeks.
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​Nice job Dane........but I think your also looking for some experienced shavers as well, and well stocked ones too.:thumbup:


Staff member
In a nutshell- a box filled with wetshaving items is passed around between B&B members. The recipient has a week to try out the contents of the box and to keep one hard and one soft item. The recipient may add anything shave related to the box, ie, blades, razors, soaps, something you don't use anymore, etc. If you don't have anything to add, don't worry, the only thing "New" in the box is blades. If you feel guilty, hop back on the list when you do have something, or send it to the next recipient to put in the box when he gets it.

The recipient then IM's the next member on the list for his address and sends the box along. We use 3 flat rate boxes in the US, and the generosity of the members has grown so much that we are starting a Canadian box , so that we don't have to pay international rates every time the boxes cross the border. If the box needs replacement, get a new flat rate box from the post and send it on. If you experience some hard times, contact whomever is updating the list. Our members are a generous lot and have been known to contribute for shipping via PayPal.

When you receive the box, post "box received" and include a pic of the contents spread out on a table. Post reviews of the items you try on a shave by shave basis. If you keep or put something back in, let the group know. Always announce when the box ships and post a tracking number. The wait is made easier for the members if they know what's in the box and where it's at!

This is also a great opportunity to network with our members and share our hobby with each other.

You can visit the link to the original Passaround, if you'd like to see the US version in action.


Staff member
1. Roderick
2. doomaise
3. Nick_O
4. Winchester38
5. Snidely

Welcome aboard Snidely! The Canadian box will be seeded from 3 boxes currently going around North America. The Canadian box should be seeded and on it's way to Roderick within 8 weeks.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Slightly off topic, but when I saw the thread title, I had a mental image of packing Canadians up in boxes and sending them around for evaluation, maybe Justin Bieber and Alex Trebec (OK, my mind is just slightly warped)
Looking for some Canadians to participate in northern leg of PIF vs. Passaround. To qualify for this exciting opportunity, applicants must be,

2. Residing east of Alaska, north of Montana, west of Greenland, and south of Santa.

Since I can't participate and my SA is kicking in, will this rule out Montreal and Toronto and a few others in the vicinity?:tongue_sm
Slightly off topic, but when I saw the thread title, I had a mental image of packing Canadians up in boxes and sending them around for evaluation, maybe Justin Bieber and Alex Trebec (OK, my mind is just slightly warped)

I'll trade you a Bieber for a Trebec and throw in a slightly used Toronto mayor for free!
You can send her on down.

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