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My Merkur 33c has an annoying habit of tending to unscrew itself if I don't cinch it down tightly after a blade change. Well, this morning I learned not to make that mistake again. Usually, I notice right away when I haven't screwed it back together tightly as the head will start to rotate when I place it against my face. Apparently, I was half asleep this morning because I didn't notice it was loose until I dragged the razor across my neck. The blade was not seated tightly so it acted like an adjustable that was opened way up. I took a huge chunk of skin off my neck right next to my Adam's Apple. I think I'll take a day off from shaving tomorrow. :lol:
LOL sry just the "Yowch!!" and the way you told the story. If anything I over tighten my 3 piece razors in fear something like this will happen. I'm going to end up stripping the threads. :tongue_sm I can't imagine doing a pass on my neck and seeing the handle start to turn in my hand. :lol:

Make sure you're fully awake next time. :001_smile
Once - I had a Super Speed open up a bit while I was working ATG on my neck.
I was half asleep - but I woke up pretty fast when I noticed the pink lather.
I don't know which is worse...taking a huge chunk of skin off your neck or taking a day off of shaving.

Here's to healing quickly!
I once had a fabulous '56 Superspeed that was near perfect except for the fact that it had the same issue with opening slightly while shaving. Never nicked or drew blood but I eventually did away with all my adjustable and tto's, I like to know that whatever blade I am taking to my face is nice and secure.
Yikes! That description is one I hope that I never experience...and hope that you don't again as well. I hope that you are a fast healer.

Best regards,

I had a similar experience with my flair tip this week when I forgot to tighten up the tto before shaving - result was a face like a plate of mince.
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