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Your "worst cut" story

About a month ago, I managed to let my attention shift away from my blade and actually turned into a nice slice with my straight. I'll tell you, it bled. It bled like a...well like a razor blade, undeterred through my baby-soft skin.

That little white pencil? Worthless against its rage. Pressure with a towel? A temporary relief, foolishly shielding my eyes from what I knew would be there the second I took it away.

The sink turned scarlet and I felt my heart pounding through my chest, undoubtedly contributing to the high rate of blood loss. I let out a call to my fiancee purely designed to garner some sort of manufactured reassurance before I really took a look at the carnage. "Babe...I kind of cut myself. Can you come take a look? It's not that bad, right?"

"Holy crap", she says.

It almost made me give it up. I must have been asked ten times by colleagues "what happened?". I was sort of embarrassed, but kind of proud.

"These are the risks that come with such a beastly endeavor", I told myself. And none of them have the guts to try it. My own father won't even dare...and I share at least 50% of his genes.

Anyway, it healed. They always do, albeit sometimes in a slightly altered hue. Fortunately, the minor scar that remains is right on the jaw line, and is virtually indistinguishable from my natural pigment. Though it took a few days of recovery with a nice, friendly double-edge I like to call a Gillette Ball-End Tech, I got back on the wagon.

I think its the sound a straight razor makes that is so addicting to me. Something about it causes me to ignore my fear response. But in any event, that was my worst cut (thusfar). I would like to hear some other stories.
If you've cut yourself at least once, then you have a worst cut.
Must admit the worst cut in my shaving history was when I was using a mach 3 razor (suprise)
My hair on my jaw line grows from nose to ear, so I was doing a ATG pass going from ear to nose. I must have somehow managed to move the razor downwards at the same time of moving it across to my nose. (Think J-hook) It resulted in a 3-inch gash along my jaw. At the time it happened it hurt like heck but didn't bleed, so I thought thats ok, no blood. Then about three seconds later the flood gates opened, looked like someone had given me a Colombian necktie, it bled that much. Needed a gauze pad and lots of pressure to stop the flow of blood.
Needless to say I haven't used a Mach 3 since.
Luckily since going to DE and the occasional plastic 2-blade disposable I haven't cut myself since. *touches wood*
Oh no...just as I was managing to tame my fear and was seriously considering getting into straights a thread like this appears! :eek: As if us neophytes aren't already scared enough without hearing about how you sliced your chin off....:wink:
Oh no...just as I was managing to tame my fear and was seriously considering getting into straights a thread like this appears! :eek: As if us neophytes aren't already scared enough without hearing about how you sliced your chin off....:wink:

Actually, this isn't bothering me as much as some similar posts I was reading just a few days ago. These straight razor guys burrow into your psyche and try to make you one of them.
My worst cut while shaving was on my THUMB! Seriously, I picked up my razor by the wrong end, and gashed myself pretty deep.

I pinched it off, rinsed it under running water, reached for the styptic, and OWWWWWWWCH! I knew it was supposed to sting, but I wasn't ready for it to hurt so much! And it kept on bleeding.

I tried dunking it in witch hazel and isopropyl alcohol, re-applying the styptic, OWWWWWWWCH! and assorted ointments in my medicine chest. It just would not stop bleeding.

I wrapped it in tissue and just waited, must have been an hour, for the blood to clot and seal the wound.

I put some zinc-oxide cream on it, wrapped it up with a gauze pad and first-aid tape, and finally got to sleep.

When I went to work the next day, everyone wanted to know about my thumb. They had a hard time believing me when I told them that I cut myself while shaving.

I had to wear a bandage over it for about a month, and it took another six weeks or so for the wound to heal up completely.
Actually, this isn't bothering me as much as some similar posts I was reading just a few days ago. These straight razor guys burrow into your psyche and try to make you one of them.

It's working....resistance is futile!

Wasn't there a borg smilie? I finally get a chance to use it and POOF it is gone :frown:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Back when I was using a shavette...

I had the long blade in and was shaving every sunday with it (that was 7-8 years ago). I only did a pass N-S at the time and it was pretty close!

I was shaving on my throat under my right hear and first thing I know, every stops, I'm not able to push the razor down. I have a look without moving too much, the blade went inside the skin and shavette itself was stopping me from going any further. No pain, never felt anything!

I take the blade out, no blood, I thought, mmm, nice! Continue and eventually, I see the blood coming out, and quite a lot. I probably use 1/4 of the toilet paper roll to stop it (No, I didn't have anything else). After that, bah, band-aid and it should be fine. I go down to the bottle shop, get a bottle of wine. Get back in the car and first thing I see in the rear view mirror... Band-aid half off and bleeding restarted... Nice! :biggrin:

It always look worst than it really is...
Oh no...just as I was managing to tame my fear and was seriously considering getting into straights a thread like this appears! :eek: As if us neophytes aren't already scared enough without hearing about how you sliced your chin off....:wink:

Meh, they tell horror stories about Slant's too, and those things are nothin to be scared of.

And as for the straight guys trying to pull you in.... Come on in, the waters fine. :001_tt1:

There is really nothing to fear when it comes to straights.
Had 2 that were a about the same.

the first, shavette with the dovo blade that came with the red holdder. zipping it around my face, dfs, bbs in spots, get to my left cheek i was shaving wtg/xtg, it caught on my cheek, and the only thing stopping it was the shavette itself. Hurt right up untill the blade broke the skin, then nothing.
lack of attention and ****ty dry lather to blame

Next one, was using my hamburg ring extra hollow 6/8. Forgot to lock the door, no one was home. Half way in aunt and mom come home from a shopping trip. I swear my aunt is a ninja, didn't hear her coming up the stairs. she opens the door, smacks me with it, i fall forward, kncok the blade into the mirror which pushed it into my right cheek.
my ninja aunt and lack of logical thinking in elaving the door unlocked.

Objectively speaking, the hamburg cuts through flesh alot more, erm how do i put this, pleasantly than the shavvette.

witch hazeld both, applied tons of pressure, and used vaseline and a cue tip and got inside the cuts, coated it, pressure again, and smoothed it out over top. Great way to stop the nasty ones. Same kind of way boxers and mma fighters get doctored in between rounds.

point is, the blades didn't fly our of the scales and cut me, being a moron got me hurt. Guns don't kill people, people kill people argument here
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the only time ive ever cut myself iwth any razor was on my nose and on my ear, when i first started shaving with a straight, the blade was so thin that i barely saw it against the glare of the mirror or something
i came down on my nose and cut it a quarter inch in, sadly i was camping at the time and ended up very gently sewing it up with a fish hook, ive stitched myself up plenty of times :)

it was sharp and didnt bleed all that much, the cold water is what stopped it for me,

and i cut my ear as well, coming down on mysideburns but that was just a little nick
Had 2 that were a about the same.

the first, shavette with the dovo blade that came with the red holdder. zipping it around my face, dfs, bbs in spots, get to my left cheek i was shaving wtg/xtg, it caught on my cheek, and the only thing stopping it was the shavette itself. Hurt right up untill the blade broke the skin, then nothing.
lack of attention and ****ty dry lather to blame

I have managed to cut myself with my shavette twice, first time I was changing the blade and stupidly had it facing upwards, slipped with my thumb and gash-ola (still wince when thinking about it). Second time I hit the tang and had my finger near the scales, worked well, shaved off a nice sheet of my skin.
I've only had to use styptic on my face once and that was really only for what I would consider a "strong" nick. My problem has been keeping the rest of my body safe when using this thing. I have learned to be really aware of where that blade is at all times.

So far I have cut: back of right hand, right thumb, right forefinger. But the worst cut was my right elbow. Not as hard as it sounds actually. I have this big 3-way mirror medicine cabinet that I open up and I sit on the edge of the counter kind of, in the mirrors. I was lathering my face with my right hand while holding the razor in my lap with my left hand...edge pointing straight up.

My worst cut was with a M3 too. A three tiered gash one time.

With the straight, my worst cut was a nick in my index finger during routine maintenance. Nothing major.
My worst cut came from losing track of a spike point. I was using the back edge, and a scything motion, to clear up my jawline.


I had a neat 1in. X 1/8in. flap cut into my cheek. :eek: :biggrin:
Mine was a little slice right under my nose where it curves down to the upper lip. Little cut, a lot of pain.
this in the straight section, right...so none of those DE guys will read this, right? First time to admit it. I rarely nick myself or get cut with my DE's. Got a new SS, didn't check it out much. Must have had something wrong. Slice across the cheek. Ouch! F#$#@, F!@!$, What's it take to get this to stop bleeding! Well, thankfully its with a sharp blade and will heal up nicely.
I sit here today with a trench in my left cheek roughly parallel to my laugh line that is very noticeable. I could never admit to my co-workers what happened.
Friends said chicks like guys with scars. Haven't seen that to be true yet.
Don't do it for that reason, or any other I've heard so far! Check new razors before using and STOP if something doesn't feel right.
All is good though!! I love my DE's still and blame myself.
My worse cut was about 3 months ago when I started shaving with a cut throat after 25 years of shaving with a Gillette Contour. Had a little pimple on my chin came down with a wtg pass and ended up looking at the spot in the sink it didn’t hurt at all and no blood for about 30 seconds. Then the blood started. Got the styptic pencil out, put it on the cut then it started really hurting got blood all over the wife’s best towel which got me a hell of a telling off. No mention of the cut apart from to say told you so.

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