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Your Travel Kit?

Hi all,

After a very successful first DE shave my original plan of keeping my old shaving kit for travel has gone out of the window! I don't travel a huge amount with work but do certainly travel a reasonable amount and enough to justify a travel version of most things.

I've started flying again and rarely check a bag so my travel kit is limited by airport security restrictions.

I am a fan of AOS products which were very much the reason I am here so looking at their travel kit but keen to hear any recommendations! The AOS kit would of course have the cartridge razor replaced with something else.

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You will probably have to check a bag if you are going to carry your own blades. The alternative is a cartridge as you previously used or take a chance on finding blades at your destination. This may not be difficult in UK, but in the states we are usually left with some overpriced junk at Walgreens.
You will probably have to check a bag if you are going to carry your own blades. The alternative is a cartridge as you previously used or take a chance on finding blades at your destination. This may not be difficult in UK, but in the states we are usually left with some overpriced junk at Walgreens.

I forgot about the no razor blade rule! In that case will have to keep the cartridge razor for my travels :(


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I usually travel with a shave stick and face lather - which is less pleasant for me than my usual. Yesterday I tried my empty Simpson's cream can (metal tub) as a lathering bowl and it works just fine with my little Kent synthetic. I also saved my QCS sample containers - which are large enough for at least four shaves each (I'll re-stuff them).

Blades are another issue. I'm going to Ireland in a couple of weeks, but we'll be there for 13 days and will put the blades in checked luggage. Some members have been successful mailing their blades to their hotel.
Hi all,

After a very successful first DE shave my original plan of keeping my old shaving kit for travel has gone out of the window! I don't travel a huge amount with work but do certainly travel a reasonable amount and enough to justify a travel version of most things.

I've started flying again and rarely check a bag so my travel kit is limited by airport security restrictions.

I am a fan of AOS products which were very much the reason I am here so looking at their travel kit but keen to hear any recommendations! The AOS kit would of course have the cartridge razor replaced with something else.


Gareth, you and I have very similar tastes it looks like. I have this kit and just used it on a trip to Detriot, MI for my cousins wedding. You definitely can't take blades in the carry-on, it has to be checked (the blades do) and you cannot have a blade in the razor. They will confiscate them if you don't put them in your checked luggage. Here are some pics of my kit that may help. The razor is a Merkur 34C HD. And the one thing I really like about the travel brush container is that it doubles as a stand to hang it out to dry! I love the AOS products and they're working really well for me, so I'm sticking with them. Although a bit expensive, a little bit goes a looooooong way.

If you are flying to a set destination you will probably be staying at a known location You can mail a letter to yourself where you are going to be staying with a blade (or two) in it. Then take your razor empty. This has worked for many dedicated DE shavers.
Gareth, you and I have very similar tastes it looks like. I have this kit and just used it on a trip to Detriot, MI for my cousins wedding. You definitely can't take blades in the carry-on, it has to be checked (the blades do) and you cannot have a blade in the razor. They will confiscate them if you don't put them in your checked luggage. Here are some pics of my kit that may help. The razor is a Merkur 34C HD. And the one thing I really like about the travel brush container is that it doubles as a stand to hang it out to dry! I love the AOS products and they're working really well for me, so I'm sticking with them. Although a bit expensive, a little bit goes a looooooong way.

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haha. That's very funny. I can't buy the product from the UK so it is on my shopping list for September - in Lemon!

That is very cool the brush container doubles as a stand!

What sort of use are you getting out of them in regards to how long the product that size is lasting?
haha. That's very funny. I can't buy the product from the UK so it is on my shopping list for September - in Lemon!

That is very cool the brush container doubles as a stand!

What sort of use are you getting out of them in regards to how long the product that size is lasting?

So far a lot of use. Only two pumps of the cream is plenty for me to lather up a 3 pass shave and some touch-ups. Same with the pre-shave oil and aftershave balm. Once you have the kit with the brush its not very expensive to replace each individual item, I think $25 for the set without the brush? Not 100% sure on the price there but it lasts. Actually, I like the travel pre-shave oil better than the full size because the pump helps ration the right amount to your liking a bit better than pouring it out on the larger size one. Obviously, it will ultimately all depend on how much you travel.
If you are flying to a set destination you will probably be staying at a known location You can mail a letter to yourself where you are going to be staying with a blade (or two) in it. Then take your razor empty. This has worked for many dedicated DE shavers.

+1 :thumbup: Never thought about that, but excellent idea!!!
Blades are always going to be the problem if you only want carry on luggage. I do travel quite a lot, luckily it's between fixed residences so I could leave blades I guess, but I always have checked bags so take 2-3 razors, 2 brushes and usually 2-3 soaps/creams (basically I have a separate kit bag for shaving gear) IF I had to have just carry on, then a cartridge, a shave stick and small brush would be what I'd choose, if I had blades organised at my destination or could easily buy them upon arrival, then I'd swap the cart for my Merkur travel DE razor (46C IIRC)
I fly every week from Houston to Pittsburgh. I leave my toiletry kit (stocked with a couple of razors, creams, blades etc....at the hotel I always stay at.
I always check my bag. So EJ DE89 in a B&B leather case, Schick G for clean up in an Amazon-bought case, I carry Feather and Astra SP blades. I also have a Whipped Dog Fire House 22mm silvertip in a travel case I bought at Amazon, MWF in a WCS screw-top tin, Dirty Bird travel scuttle, Razorock Alum, Dominica Bay Rum aftershave in a travel bottle...almost all the shave comforts of home. Sunday will begin 19 of 21 days on the road so I might take a Mike's tin with me, too.
If you are flying to a set destination you will probably be staying at a known location You can mail a letter to yourself where you are going to be staying with a blade (or two) in it. Then take your razor empty. This has worked for many dedicated DE shavers.


What turtle said. :001_smile

In addition, you can also just take your DE razor, and buy a pack of blades at a local shop. For example, Wal-Mart carries DE blades so you can just pick some up from there, or any other local place that carries them.

Good luck!
If you are flying to a set destination you will probably be staying at a known location You can mail a letter to yourself where you are going to be staying with a blade (or two) in it. Then take your razor empty. This has worked for many dedicated DE shavers.

I have been doing that for years. However, when you mail the blades and if they are loose tape them between two pieces of cardboard before putting in an envelope.
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