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Your thoughts on the "Real men don't shave" (or the like) phrases?

A few days ago, my best friend posted on my facebook an animated gif of a man with a big beard saying "This is how real men shave" and he was holding a Mach3, then the next frame he said "They don't" and threw away the razor.

I thought it was funny and I know he didn't mean it (his beard barelly grows haha) but I've heard more than once comments about that. I rarelly pay them attention because I feel they are what the internet call "trolls"... but still, from time to time, I can't stop getting a little upset.

What do you think about this comments?

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to stir the pot here, I merely want to get the opinion of guys that have a lot more time shaving than I am and that most probably are older and much more mature than me hehe :001_smile
I went to see a personal appearance by the two main brothers on Duck Dynasty (they have big ZZ Top beards). One of them (Jace) likes to say this -- people come up to him and say "Why do you grow that big beard out like that?" He replies "I'm not doing anything!"
My concept of manliness does not involve getting upset by what other unknown people write on the internet.

Manliness involves choosing for oneself, and responsibly pursuing a goal if that is your choice.

My concept of manliness DOES include having an inspiring ideal for myself that I strive to reach.

For some, part of that may be a big beard that requires months/years to grow, or they may have religious convictions that lead to having a large beard.

I salute those who choose to reach that ideal.

For me, and MY face, it is to be perfectly shaven.

With all due respect to the Robertson family, a lot of it has to do with your chosen profession.

Clearly, the Robertsons have carved out a place for themselves in our economy that allows them to grow a full beard and provide well for their families. My hat is off to them for it.

In many professions out there, a clean shave is still the traditional "uniform." Facial hair, if it is there, is very well manicured and trimmed short.

I don't mind if the guy working on my car, building my deck, fixing my A/C, selling me a car or whatever has a full beard. I really wouldn't care if my attorney or CPA had one.

If I ever need surgery, though, I have to admit I'll feel a lot more comfortable with a guy who has a clean shaven face. Just my thoughts.
I think phrases like "real men don't shave" and the like most of the time are designed to be funny. I don't have a problem with things like that as long as they are good-natured.
I went to see a personal appearance by the two main brothers on Duck Dynasty (they have big ZZ Top beards). One of them (Jace) likes to say this -- people come up to him and say "Why do you grow that big beard out like that?" He replies "I'm not doing anything!"

I love those guys, they take family and friends seriously, and themselves not at all. Funny, though, in Phil and Si's youth in West Monroe, the longhaired bearded male would have been hassled; a "real man" would've looked like day 5 of boot camp.
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Honestly I really don't care. Sorry mate but if someone saying "Real men don't shave" gets you slightly upset you need to reassess your life.
If real men don't shave, why are there military regulations requiring it?

the excuse is so that there is a proper seal onto the face with a gas mask.

What is a man?

It's funny. I can look back on a
life of achievement, on challenges
met, competitors bested, obstacles
overcome. I've accomplished more
than most men, and without the use
of my legs. What. . . What makes a
man, Mr. Lebowski?



I don't know, sir.

Is it. . . is it, being prepared to
do the right thing? Whatever the
price? Isn't that what makes a man?

Sure. That and a pair of testicles.

Lebowski turns away from the Dude with a haunted stare, lost in thought

You're joking. But perhaps you're

Irs been my experience, that the harder and louder a male thumps his chest, the less chance of him being a "mensch".
If real men don't shave, why are there military regulations requiring it?
Facial hair was actually a requirement of the uniform for certain forces. Check out Wikipedia
As Dennard said it is due to gas masks not sealing properly with facial hair. However forces in Afghanistan do grow beards to help relations with locals. Plus the Sappers of the French Foreign Legion are encouraged to grow a beard.
People who think that a definition of manliness revolves around facial hair are, in all likelihood, lacking in the most basic fundamental characteristics of both manliness and humanity.
Great knowledge has been imparted to me by various women in my life. They all seem to agree on one thing when asked, "What do you find most attractive in a man?". The answer is confidence my friend.

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