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your go to de blade

I would love hear what everyone go to de blade is that you would be able to buy a 100 pack and have no problem with that purchase, im trying to get an idea of which blades are good
Right now I am using Shark Super Chromes, But currently trying out other blades. As it is the holiday season PM me your address if you have not tried them as of yet, Ill send you a pack of them. Otherwise, I would say give a sampler from Westcoastshaving a try
For me, its the Astra-SP ... it works well in every razor I've tried it in, and with this brand, there's no guess work. I always know it will give me a good shave.

I also keep a good supply of Derby on hand, for when I need a gentle shave, and Feathers are reserved exclusively for use in my Sledgehammer Slant, for days when I have 3 or more days of whiskers to harvest.
Got a sampler from West Coast and so far it is Feathers in my thick handled Tech and Crystals or Red Pack Personnas in my Parker 82r and my Slim Adjustable. Derbys are a close second to the Crystals.
Haven't gotten a 100 pack yet but from the sample pack I have my favorites are Astras and Crystals. Probably will get 100 Astras.
I am currently using the Shark Super Chromes and like them quite a bit. I have also tried out the blades from my local Family Dollar, and they are OK, but nowhere near as good as the Sharks. Today I tried a CVS branded injector blade in my Schick 500. I did not care for it at all. I don't know if its the actual blade I don't like, or just the injector blade style.

I would like to try some of the Astras and some of the Feathers because those two seem to be the overall favorites of the majority of the people on here.
I'm brand new and haven't tried too many, but I'm really liking Astras and Feathers. Leaning towards Astra as they're more forgiving to a newb like me.
I just received 250 Feathers (I split the pack with a friend). Those along with the 80 or so from my first 100 pack should keep me shaving for a week or two.

I don't think I am even going to bother with trying any other blades anymore.
So far my favorite is Feather, with Shark a close runner up. The Derbies and Red Personnas haven't worked as well for me. Several recommended brands I still want to try, though.
I've only bought 100-packs of Feathers, but I would buy 100 packs of Feathers, Super Iridiums, Yellow 7 O'clock Gillettes, with Crystals and Astras a second-tier choice. Never went crazy for the Red IPs, but they were okay.
Crystal for My Red Tip, Feather for the 49 Super Speed, and Super Iridium In the Merkur HD. That is the front line rotation as of now.
#1. Gillette 7:00 Yellows
#2. Super Iridiums
#3. Derby

I've tried Red IPs and didn't care for them. Lots of others on this board swear by them. So.... another example of YMMV.

Good luck finding what works best for you.
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