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Young and on a Budget...pick just one?

So I am in college, and my wife wants me to find a cologne and I agree with her. I would love a nice "signature scent" and just have one or two colognes that I use. But, I am also on a budget. The big thing I think for me is longevity and cost. I am looking for something along the lines of 1903, 1818, or any of the TOBS. I also think these have a great price/size bottle ratio (sub $50). I love the price of TOBS but understand Longevity is weak. I think 1818 could be nice, but I hear its a fall/winter only. So there is the challenge guys. IF you were young and in college but have the knowledge you have now what single cologne would you pick that is refined and grown up, affordable, and lasts?
absolutely impossible to answer.
everyones pH balance is different, not only will sillage differ, but the scent as a whole can smell extremely different from one person to the next.

I would look on this site, and basenotes.com for ideas. Then get as many samples as you can and test for yourself.
I know you can't answer for me. But I would like to hear your answer because this could give me a good list to pull from or some things to keep in mind. Tell me the one that would work for you meeting the criteria (your choice does not have to be listed they are just examples) and why you would pick it.
If you haven't yet,give the TOBS Sandalwood a try. I get great longevity out of it and love to wear it year around. I think it's bright enough for the summertime and still deep enough for the winter. IMHO it is a great year round frag.
In Utah. Short springs and falls and long cold winters, and long hot summers

To be perfectly honest, I'd say that the best course of action is finding a brick and mortar store and actually sampling these yourself. I know it isn't that helpful, but if you find one in Salt Lake that has some of these scents you'd be best off.

BUT, since you want a list here's a start:

DR Harris Arlington
This is the kinda stuff I was looking for. I think Brick and Mortar would be great, but sadly even the capitol city is not well stocked. Utah is sparse for good stuff. I have heard great stuff about TOBS sandalwood. richmondesi, do you feel Arlington can be worn all year? I know some call it a Spring/Summer. I am really stoked to try that shave soap.
I love the Tabac cologne. Great value for money and the fragrance is amazing.

I agree.

I also agree that you should try a bunch out out on your skin - if they try and make you spray on cards dont let them, you wont be wearing cologne on cardboard, you will be wearing it on your skin, and that makes a world of difference to the scent.
I agree.

I also agree that you should try a bunch out out on your skin - if they try and make you spray on cards dont let them, you wont be wearing cologne on cardboard, you will be wearing it on your skin, and that makes a world of difference to the scent.

+1 Right on target!
Well as far as "Grown Up" or "Old Timey" scents, and value, really I would just go and get Grey Flannel, 2 sprays is all you need all day.

Its all I wore the entire year and really at the time even my 18 year old gf liked it, so it goes with the young and old, know what I mean? :biggrin:
You really need to excercise patience since you don't want to buy a lot of different bottles (smart choice, by the way). Others have talked about samples, so I'll suggest you consider asking your friends what they wear, and see if they would help you out by letting you try theirs for one or two wearings, to get as many ideas as possile. You really need to wear a fragrance one or two times to know if you are going to like it. And as others have said, everyone's preferences are different. A scent will smell different on your skin than anywhere else, and the only opinions that matter are yours and you wife's.
superpacker, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm in college and on a limited budget, and at 20 I've never bought or worn cologne in my life (the Axe I wore when I was 15 doesn't count, heh heh :rolleyes:).

I'm glad you made this thread, because I was planning to make one exactly like it. It's hard for me to shop online for fragrances because lets say, my taste and ability to discern scents is less-than-developed. When I try to have someone describe a smell to me they may as well be speaking German. I do have a lot of retailers around here that carry men's fragrances, I just feel really awkward in those places (not sure why). That and after sniffing X amount of colognes they start to all smell the same to me, and I end up leaving empty handed and with throbbing sinuses.

I'd like to have a basic go-to cologne too though. It looks like you've done your homework to an extent, so I'll keep an eye on your thread (instead of starting my own or hijacking this one). I'm thinking about stopping at a Sephora near my house today and seeing what they have, I'll pass along anything that seemed good to me!
There are many colognes that don't cost a fortune and are every bit as nice as the high-priced ones. Price is irrelevant. As someone already said, Tabac makes great products that are inexpensive. Many of us have worn Jovan products and other Wal-Mart specials.

The B/S/T section is a great source of bargains. If you can resist AD, sample around to find keepers for yourself, then go shopping online.
This is the kinda stuff I was looking for. I think Brick and Mortar would be great, but sadly even the capitol city is not well stocked. Utah is sparse for good stuff. I have heard great stuff about TOBS sandalwood. richmondesi, do you feel Arlington can be worn all year? I know some call it a Spring/Summer. I am really stoked to try that shave soap.

I know guys that wear Arlington all year round, and I know guys who said if they could only have one scent, they would choose Arlington. Obviously, this is among the most prominent examples of why YMMV.

I love the Tabac cologne. Great value for money and the fragrance is amazing.

See, I hate this cologne, and so did my wife as well as every other person that I let smell it (which is a pretty big number). However, a lot of guys really like it.

I'd also second the idea of going to Wal-mart and possibly getting your scent from there. My wife loves the cheap Aqua Velva Musk AS Cologne. I don't know why, but I'm not complaining because it costs $4/$5. They carry a lot of scents that used to be tremendously popular. Drakkar Noir is one such example.

If you want to go outside of that realm, another scent that I'd say is a good year round scent in your price range is Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad. It's a really good scent for around $30-$35 and it's a bit more unique, if you are looking for something that the masses are least likely to have.
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Try some Trumper's GFT. In fact, I recommend it highly enough to suggest a blind buy - and that's something I very rarely do.
This is helpful stuff. Keep it coming. Its good to know that this thread is benefiting other youngster other than myself, like Browns.
Browns, here is what i've compiled so far. All under $55:

First. If you want to get some better understanding a great source is: basenotes.com
Just type in the name of the fragrance and see what comes up.

J. Peterman 1903 cologne (the spray). You smelled this on the card the other day. It is simple classic and the scent last pretty long.

Taylor of Old Bond Street colognes. These are potentially the best value in colognes. $30 for a good size bottle, a range of five great scents: Mr.Taylor's, Shave Shop, Eton College, St. James, and Sandalwood. The one downside is some say the scent doesn't have great longevity. It appears the average is about 5-6 hours. although at this price, reapplication does not appear to be a problem. A great description of all the scents as well as a great place to purchase them can be seen here: http://www.classicshaving.com/articles/article/590351/21356.htm

DR Harris Arlington: westcoastshaving.com

Ralph Lauren Polo: (the green bottle). This is polo's oldest scent. The great thing about it is unlike the other polo scents, polo can be found at every store on the planet. This is definatly the best priced polo scents. 4oz. for $50 at walmart and sometimes cheaper if you look around like at T.J. Maxx etc. very woodsy. you would have to smell it and tell me what you think.

Polo Double Black: Great scent, but high cost for a small size bottle. The one thing that bugs me with expensive colognes (you know how paranoid I get), if I pay a lot for a little, I will be very hesitant about using it. 2oz. is like $50.

Casswell and Massey Number 6. Its Geore Washington's cologne. How is that not cool? Aparently it only lasts a few hours, but at the price, it's still cool.

Brooks Brothers 1818. Some say its more of a fall/winter cologne cause it is more warm then fresh, but other disagree good price for a huge bottle and they frequently have sales.
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