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You know you're a shave-geek when...

... you contemplate planning your fall week-end get-away with your wife to Chicago so that you can visit Mertz Apothecary.

... you gauge time by your next blade change. I just finished a deadline for work and I for the past few days I was thinking, "You'll be finished with this project when you next change your blade."

... your turn.
... your 4 layer shelf next to the sink that was once filled with all manners of bathroom related toiletries and sundries has been completely over-run by your razors, brushes, soaps/creams, AS/Balms, pre-shave lotions, and everything else shave related as you've moved the non-shaving related items under the sink AND you are STILL considering getting a larger shelf system ;)
... you spend multiple hours daily reading and contributing to a (fantastic) shaving related forum

... you're registered at more than one shaving related forum

... you just bought a new drawer / cart thing last night at Target to store your stuffs in, and spent the whole drive home contemplating the organization of said new drawers aloud

... totally guilty of all three and happy about it!
...airline travel causes anxiety not because of fear of flying, but because of concern about TSA rules regarding blades on carry-on bags - will there be a source for quality blades at the destination?
...when you decide to check your luggage after 10 years of carry-ons because you can't get the blades you want where you're going.

...when you know the alcohol content of more than one aftershave.

...you not only know the difference between badger and boar, but between the European Badger and the Hog Badger

...you "need" 5 different kinds of blades because they each perform better in different razors.

...you are irritated at the love of your life, the bearer of your children, your partner and lover in all things because she rushed you out of the bathroom and you only had time for two passes.

...you shave three passes

...your url history on your computer, phone, iPad and xbox/ps3/wii show badgerandblade.com

...you fantasize about finding a Toggle for 7 bucks in a rundown antiques shop.

...you know what a Toggle is.

...you have a brush for bowl lathering and one for face lathering. And within each of those categories are sub brushes for creams/soaps and croaps in a bowl and creams/soaps and croaps on the face.

...cartridge commercials on TV outrage you, but political advertisements go unremarked.

...you find yourself writing more than two answers to "you know you're a shave geek when..."

...you have had your fourth bowl of Ramen noodles of the day, but you still get those blades from the new factory in Estonia..in bulk...without even trying them.

...your wife is sitting around with wet hair, while you use the hair-dryer to perform break-in cycles on a boar brush.

...while watching a porno movie on DVD, you put it on hold to see if it is true that your 2-band brush really has a third band hidden in the handle.

...after trying to develop a lather with a Caswell-Massey product you manage to convince yourself that it must be either your water or your technique.

...you love Razorock's new non-descriptive naming of their shaving soaps because of the enhanced surprise factor when they finally arrive.

...you're afraid to give your true opinion about Cella because you think that Marco is really a hit man.
... when you go for a pint at lunchtime, end up chatting about your shaving and new goods with your mate you've convinced to go DE and who is also loving it and the 3rd member of your party tells you to shut up talking about shaving cos it's geeky and he's bored
....... When you look at other men's faces with ultra smooth no stubble and think "damn bbs? Wonder what gear he uses"
.....when you know more uses for alum and witch hazel than your local nutritionist.
.....when your screen saver is a picture of a Hoffritz Slant
.....when all the people over 50 that you know look for DE razors for you
.....when you intentionally miss your last pass to have enough stubble the next day to try out that new razor
...when you get the shakes when B&B is down and go on the Facebook group to make sure it's not just you in that predicament (hypothetically, I mean...:001_unsur)
... when you willing lather your 2 year old's face, and let him use a spare razor (sans blade), so he'll be more likely to make wise choices when he's older.
... When you sit in front of your computer looking at a shopping cart full of shaving products knowing if you check out that this next order may be the final straw and lead to divorce..

... When you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about is what blade you are going to use..
... When you sit on the toilet doing your business and put your various blades in the order you want to use them instead of reading a magazine.
... When your last thought before you sleep and the first thought when you wake are about shaving.
... When the whole point of taking a hot shower ceases to be about cleansing and becomes about beard prep.
... When you actually want to go 'antiqueing' with your mother because you might find a new razor.
... When the amount of time you spend on B&B is greater than the amount of time you actually do work while at work.
... When your medical anxiety and fear of getting MS or Parkinsons Disease are more about not being able to shave with a razor than actually getting the disease in the first place. (I suffer from Cybercondria - darned webmd and my shaky hands)
... When you order the 'everything sample pack' from WCS and are on the web the next day looking for more blades.
... When you sit on the toilet doing your business and put your various blades in the order you want to use them instead of reading a magazine

... When you sit on the toilet doing your business and make a practice lather with your new brush/soap/cream (but only if your toilet is next to the sink, like mine is)

... When you look at the practice lather and think, "can I get away with shaving again today?"
... You buy interrail tickets and go to Italy for only to look for Cella and Proraso products.
... Skip seeing The Vatican since you know a vendor that sells Cella a couple of blocks away.
... Buy the new Proraso red in a fishing equipment store on Capri and thinking "Wow man, even fishing equipment stores sell Proraso down here!"
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